
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
Don't you have a few little HT antennas you can attach to the VNA to learn the instrument in the comfort of your home?
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38975 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
I had a hard time determining if the Demo RF Kit was the same as offered by Amazon and other vendors. I think the person who initiated the Post should have first taken a picture of the RF Demo Kit to
Від VE6LX · #38966 ·
Introduction to VNA Calibration Techniques
Learn the basics of how vector network analyzer (VNA) calibration techniques correct measurement errors. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/introduction-to-vna-calibration-techniques/
Від Wolfgang OE1MWW · #35954 ·
Understanding the 12-Term Error Model and SOLT Calibration Method for VNA Measurements
in case someone can't fall asleep in bed at night and needs a simple read https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/understanding-the-12-term-error-model-and-solt-calibration-method-for-vna-
Від Wolfgang OE1MWW · #35953 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
I think it's "release 85" it's on the splash screen when it starts up. It might be something in the Windows image that Parallels uses
Від Jim Lux · #31429 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
What is "R85"? And thank you for your reply!! larry
Від Lawrance A. Schneider · #31423 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
I managed to get the hang with it, and carried on with the next few demo practices. The key thing to make it look similar to what the board is showing was, to manipulate with the frequency settings, b
Від PDXer · #31420 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
i don't think so, but it runs fine on my Win 10 64 bit machine. It also runs in parallels on Mac OSX, Win 10 64 bit R85
Від Jim Lux · #31409 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
That's more like it, although it sure doesn't look like a *30 MHz* LPF. More like 10 MHz. You might zoom in on 1-21 MHz. OTOH those ceramic filters are not necessarily 50 ohms in and out, Try the BPF.
Від Jim Lux · #31408 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
Definitely Log mag is what you want.
Від Jim Lux · #31407 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
Well, it sure looks like a low pass filter - the cutoff looks a bit high for a filter described as a 30 MHz Low Pass. I'd set the span to something like 0.1 to 100.1 (that makes the divisions on the s
Від Jim Lux · #31406 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
Is there a 64 bit version? Thanks, larry
Від Lawrance A. Schneider · #31405 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
Set it to LOGMAG. Freq. range was 1 - 100 Mhz.
Від PDXer · #31403 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
I can tell it was wrong setting. It is showing resistance? I should have set it for LOGMAG? Will try again later.
Від PDXer · #31402 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
This is what I got.
Від PDXer · #31401 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
Anyone have a part number? Usually, the data sheet will show S21 and S11.
Від Jim Lux · #31387 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
The boards use three terminal ceramic filters for Bandpass. (Really only two terminal, but can be installed without regard to “polarity”. They are actually ceramic resonators and sell for about 10-15
Від Larry McElhiney · #31386 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
It occurs to me (after looking at some pictures of the test board)) that they might have just put something like a 10.7 MHz IF filter on the board. Here's an example of such a filter, from Minicircuit
Від Jim Lux · #31385 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
I couldn't find a schematic for the test board, so I don't know what the BPF looks like. Span is just the size of the sweep - either you set start and stop, or set center and span. RBW leave at the de
Від Jim Lux · #31384 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
Do you set the frequency range say from 20 Mhz to 50 Mhz, and set the centre frequency to 30 Mhz, and then sweep the frequency to get the graph? What about SPAN and RBW (band width) - what do you set
Від PDXer · #31383 ·