Iron deficiency
Hi Anthea, I strongly dislike cottage cheese. It makes me gag, so I must add ingredients to cover up the taste and texture. First I mix the FOCC with an immersion blender and let it sit for 3 or 4 min
Marilyn Frasier
· #147982
Friendship dairies
According to Daisy, “Our products are made with milk from cows not treated with the growth hormone rBST.” Marilyn
Marilyn Frasier
· #147967
is sheep yogurt ok for FOCC?
Derald, The milk might even be less expensive than the yogurt and making cottage cheese is not that time consuming. Good luck! Marilyn
Marilyn Frasier
· #147963
is sheep yogurt ok for FOCC?
Hi Derald, I think that in order to get a comparable amount of protein as cottage cheese or quark, you will need to remove the whey. Just put the sheep yogurt on a large piece of cheesecloth placed in
Marilyn Frasier
· #147959
making quark from goat milk
Yes, Skip, this is fast and easy. When I made cottage cheese I found that a gallon of skim or low-fat milk yielded less than a pint of curd because there so much more whey to discard. Whole or 2% yiel
Marilyn Frasier
· #147955
making quark from goat milk
Hi Margarita, Greek yogurt has roughly the same amount of protein as German quark and cottage cheese. All three are rich in the amino acids - methionine and cysteine- which Dr. Budwig said are needed
Marilyn Frasier
· #147952
GIST update
That’s wonderful news, Goran! Very best, Marilyn
Marilyn Frasier
· #147946
Toenail fungus infection
Hi Goran, Thank you for sharing this. Amazing! I have multilevel degenerative spine conditions, including spinal stenosis. Since doing the Budwig protocol the nerve pain has decreased by 90% and I har
Marilyn Frasier
· #147935
Flax Oil Sources
Hi Ester, After getting rancid oil from two sources, I decided to try Omega Nutrition. I buy the 32 ounce bottles on the subscription basis for the discounted price of $28.79 a bottle. They give me no
Marilyn Frasier
· #147911
Vitamin C and Budwig
I thought Dr. Budwig said that non-food sources of Vitamin C were antioxidants which nullify the healing process of the FOCC. However, I also read that unlike oral Vitamin C supplements, which are ant
Marilyn Frasier
· #147902
My Budwig Story
Thank you, Ester. Making medical decisions is not always easy for me and some may turn out to have not been the best decisions after all. I’ve said no to certain tests - especially those with ionizing
Marilyn Frasier
· #147882
Almond milk, Fenbendazole and FOCC
I use a tablespoon of water to smooth out the FOCC instead of milk because I cannot digest milk. Almonds contain fat and I’m not sure if that fat would interfere with the flaxseed oil. Most almond mil
Marilyn Frasier
· #147869
My Budwig Story
Buffalo-check, I use a packet of mesophilic culture that is used to make cheese. There are many on Amazon. I heat a gallon of 2% milk to 86 degrees F. Then let it cool. I put it into 2 half gallon yog
Marilyn Frasier
· #147867
My Budwig Story
Thanks, Rod. There is a new book out called Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer. By Paul E. Marik MD. There is one chapter on omega 3 fatty acids, howeve
Marilyn Frasier
· #147863
My Budwig Story
Yes, gsixtysix, I think non compliant must be stamped on my medical records! Marilyn
Marilyn Frasier
· #147862
My Budwig Story
Greetings, I’ve been doing the Budwig Protocol for prevention since 2009, soon after I was told that I tested positive for the BRCA2 cancer mutation, which I inherited from my father. He and many memb
Marilyn Frasier
· #147856
Weight Loss
There are different types of fructose, but high fructose corn syrup is present in almost all processed foods and soft drinks. Many studies focus on this type of fructose which is linked to chronic ill
Marilyn Frasier
· #147840
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