It was quite a holiday!
Oh how I wish your parents could have recorded that angel's speech! No photo at least? That was a great report. Thanks! Joan - previous message - Dear Eleanor, Thank you for sharing your Christmas mem
· #220961
ISO referral for real estate photographer
We are planning to put our home up for sale and need a professional photographer to take photos of the interior and exterior for online use and for the handout. Please call 202 422 6275. Joan
· #210181
Cars broken into near Swiss Embassy.
My State Farm car insurance just increased by $20 per month. The agent said it was because of the 89% increase in the neighborhood's auto crime. Is this reasonable? Accurate? Happening to you? Is it t
· #210003
Free: Outdoor furniture
We're prepping our house for sale and have set out our deck furniture for pickup. It is in great shape but needs a good cleaning. Dining table, six adjustable chairs, a small side table, and an umbrel
· #208559
Downsizing assistance needed (packing and moving boxes, driving to Goodwill)
My brain is working but my back is not. I need boxes filled and moved, some things photographed and labeled. Drive to Goodwill. Some things are kind of heavy. Expecting 2+ hours a day 3 times a week.
· #207649
ISO Drums for Oct 8 march
By any chance, does anyone have one or more parade type drums, such as snare or big base drums? This Saturday at 12:00 noon, a large group of journalists and other First Amendment defenders will be ci
· #192865
Please tackle vines growing on your trees
Dear Susan, I appreciate your alert and care in the control of vines that are taking over areas of our gardens and neighborhoods. One serious concern is the recommended use of Roundup on bindweed or a
· #191537
The winners of the primary election
Jay, I so hope your friends who are keeping their out-of-state voting rights are actually calling and writing their representatives. I am so jealous. There are many hundreds of DC activists who would
· #189398
Matt Frumin is the Real Progressive (was: Eric Goulet is the Real Progressive)
As a true activist progressive with marches and rallies and petitions in support of city policies that would protect and work for lower and mid income people, I will tell you that Matt Frumin is far m
· #189253
ISO Garden help: Planting 6 flats of annuals. ISO House help: carrying boxes to attic and to car. ISO House cleaning
Besides some help in the garden and attic, I would like experienced house cleaning every two weeks. This does not mean that I am looking for one person to do all. Joan Stallard jdsindc @ gmail dot com
· #189021
Request for sheets, bath towels, pillows, and light blankets for marchers coming to Poor People's Moral March on Washington
The upcoming major Poor Peoples' Moral March on Washington (June 17th-19th) is attracting activists from around the country. Sixty folks will be staying at the Washington Seminar Center and some of th
· #188603
ISO used H frame easel
I have been painting smaller canvases using a travelling easel and would like to see if I can work in my small space with larger formats. If your H-frame easel is not being used, I would like to borro
· #186221
ISO Suggestions for photographer to shoot new views of my ABnB studio.
Looking for professional photographer with flexibility to find one of our sunny days soon to shoot basement apartment and garden. Joan Stallard jdsindc @ gmail dot com
· #186033
West Side Story is here!
I saw West Side Story at Tysons on Wednesday. It is fabulous. Truly not to be missed! Joan Stallard - previous message - Okay, I'll go to see the remake, but nothing will ever quite match the producti
· #181919
ISO Recommendations for Installing Yard Bamboo Barriers
At this time of year and for several weeks, I must do an almost daily bamboo stomping and clipping around my garden and yard. My neighbors and I keep a narrow stand between our properties and I remove
· #174169
Phone number to get vaccination appointment in 10 minutes.
Thanks Andrea for passing this on. I have had a previous procedure at the Washington Hospital Center so I immediately called them, was on hold for half an hour, got an appointment for Thursday and the
· #168966
Why so few arrests today?
I also am confounded as to the lack of arrests. As a peace and justice activist for over 20 years, with a lot of actions and some arrests for refusing to move sort of thing, I can tell you that the DC
· #168283
Remember to leave the leaves...
Collecting leaves on your own property for composting is a great plan. For others, however, leaving them to blow everywhere causes problems with drain clogging, slipping on leaves while walking, slipp
· #164438
ISO furniture
In this area, I have been impressed with the Alex Cooper auction house ( You can review all the items weeks ahead and see what price they sold for the evening after the 7:00 PM closing
· #164193
Invasive vines on our trees in Cleveland Park
HOW TO GET RID OF IVY ROOTS (BY HAND) Water beneath the tree or wait until after a rainfall. In soft soil, ivy is easier to remove. Use a hand pruner to cut ivy stems from their roots around the botto
· #163598
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