
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
Hi Stan and Dave Thank you very much for this very usefull infos and comments about the advanced DiSlord function for coax measurements . I will try it and will enjoy it soon. 73's Nizar.
Від Team-SIM SIM-Mode · #38854 ·
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
For velocity constant I still prefer measuring the frequency of the first short circuit for both an open (reflects as a short) and a shorted (reflects as an open) cable. Average those two. Then take a
Від W0LEV · #38851 ·
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
Your observations are mostly correct, Nizar. However, please note the following: 1) The velocity factor setting affects only the reported length measurement, and nothing else. And setting the velocity
Від Stan Dye · #38850 ·
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
Hi For using DiSlord Coax function, I guess that it's rather to start with the minimum frequency of the NanoVNA-H4 does , - around 10Khz start frequency . -to stop with just the frequency given a litt
Від Team-SIM SIM-Mode · #38847 ·
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
Without changes in the firmware it will not work properly. Of course, if you're only interested in SWR it's probably enough, but you'll see 50 ohms instead of 75 when measuring impedance.
Від btomek@... · #38826 ·
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
Hi All Rgarding its price , May be we can owne two NanoVNA's H4. , one for 50 Ohm nerworks , and the second for 75 ohm networks just with bridge modds to 75 ohm of port1. And resistors devider of port
Від Team-SIM SIM-Mode · #38820 ·
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
In this firmware https://github.com/DiSlord/NanoVNA-D/releases/tag/v1.2.40 is a option DISPLAY/PORT-Z where you can specify impedance, ex 75, or 100 etc. Calibrate normally before entering PORT-Z with
Від btomek@... · #38816 ·
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
With a "normal" nanoVNA (50 ohms), if, during the SOL calibration, instead of using 50 ohms during the LOAD you place a load of 75 ohms, it works. The central point of the Smith will correspond to 75
Від François · #38799 ·
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
So why not just use it with 50-ohm center on the Smith Chart? It will easily show 75-ohms to the right of center on the central horizontal line with a non-reactive resistor. By design, the NANOVNAs ar
Від W0LEV · #38798 ·
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
Is there firmware for the NanoVNA-H that supports selecting the port impedance (as is available on the VNA-H$)?
Від John · #38797 ·
Setting Stop Frequency to 1500 MHz on NanoVNA-H 3.4
If it already Has the firmware needed for tunning above 1.5GHz, that would be nice... I know the V2 or LiteVNA are better for those frequencies, but this should get me started...
Від zbeoazapdputojqceb@... · #38331 ·
Setting Stop Frequency to 1500 MHz on NanoVNA-H 3.4
Yes. It may already have the needed firmware. But note that the extended range above 900MHz has a much lower dynamic range. If you really need to do a lot of work at above 1GHz, you should consider ge
Від Stan Dye · #38329 ·
Setting Stop Frequency to 1500 MHz on NanoVNA-H 3.4
Hey, i know its been a while, but would that firmware work for this unit? (To extend its range a bit...) https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005006338561014.html Hopefully links are fine...
Від zbeoazapdputojqceb@... · #38327 ·
COM Port wird nicht erkannt / COM port is not recognized N1MM+
Hallo, ich habe das Problem das mein NanoVNA als USB Gerät erkannt wird und ich habe kein zugewiesenen COM Port. Somit kann ich mit der App auch nicht drauf zugreifen. Welchen Treiber muss ich für Win
Від DN9CYL@... · #38173 ·
Nanovna-H display issue
Many many thanks, mate. It helps me a lot. Finally able to fix the issue. now it is working fine. Again thanks. 73 S21APJ
Від fhassanwasi@... · #37506 ·
Nanovna-H display issue
The new NanoVNA-H utilizes an LCD driven by ST7789, and you can acquire firmware files that end with the suffix SM_ST here. https://github.com/hugen79/NanoVNA-H/releases
Від Hugen · #37505 ·
Nanovna-H display issue
I bought a Nanovna-H from China. The language was Chinese. To make it English I upgrade the firmware. Before updating the firmware the display was ok and horizontal. But after the update, the display
Від fhassanwasi@... · #37504 ·
Seriously struggling to get NanoVNA-H working on Windows 11
I am also using windows 11. First I would remove the driver you installed as I have a feeling that is causing your problems. For the record, I didn't even bother installing a driver and on my system i
Від M0CNL · #37110 ·
Seriously struggling to get NanoVNA-H working on Windows 11
Hi all, I'd like to first start out that I am a noob to nanovna, but not pc's in general. I'd like to think I know my way around a PC. Love it or hate it, I'm currently on Windows 11. Trying desperate
Від stardude900@... · #36850 ·
read SD card
Hi all, found a Python library - https://github.com/Ho-Ro/nanovna-tools but unfortunately this one can not read all/selected files from the SD card inside the nanoVNA-H and H4. Anyone has a link to su
Від Wolfgang OE1MWW · #36722 ·