
Installing DfuSe On Windows 11 ?? 3 повідомлення
Thanks Stan, Sorry for the late response to this. I have been tearing my hair out over the past couple of days trying to get this to work. As it stands at the moment, I am still no further forward fro
Від VK4CCV ·
Model identification and proper firmware 2 повідомлення
None of these are 'clones', they are all copies with slight variations. As the original design was open-source, anyone can manufacture these. All the units above are nanoVNA-H and you can use any firm
Від Larry Rothman ·
Updating firmware 3 повідомлення
The Absolute Beginners Guide in the files section has details on how to update your firmware. DiSlord v1.2.27 is very recent firmware and not much different than the latest version. I suggest you get
Від Roger Need ·
Nanovna-H display issue 3 повідомлення
Many many thanks, mate. It helps me a lot. Finally able to fix the issue. now it is working fine. Again thanks. 73 S21APJ
Від fhassanwasi@... ·
Seriously struggling to get NanoVNA-H working on Windows 11 2 повідомлення
I am also using windows 11. First I would remove the driver you installed as I have a feeling that is causing your problems. For the record, I didn't even bother installing a driver and on my system i
Від M0CNL ·
Ojisan Firmware on NanoVNA V2 Plus4 stuck white screen 3 повідомлення
I see, thanks! .. and do you know by any chance if there's a firmware or a way to modify the IFBW? I was mostly interested in the Ojisan firmware because of that. On Nanorfe website they show graphs w
Від lodge_shiatsu0h@... ·
Error: "sector 0000 does not exist" in STM32CubeProgrammer 3 повідомлення
I had the same problem with tinyPFA, after downgrading to 2.15 programming worked without problem, Thanks
Від Ken Meyfroodt ·
#firmware 4 повідомлення
LoL. I had to get an old USB hub, and connect to the NanoVNA through that one. All my USB ports misbehaved. That worked :-) You saved my day, thanx mate. Have a nice evening.....
Від ... ·
Firmware version confusion 10 повідомлення
Yes, just adding the card socket should work. If you want the firmware feature that automatically names the files with a timestamp, you will likely also have to add a real time clock crystal (which yo
Від Stan Dye ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer 4 повідомлення
That is OK, because the upload to the PC reads the complete 128KByte from the flash including the unused bytes after the program at the memory end while the FW files of about 100K contain only the pro
Від Ho-Ro ·
Update from 1.2.20 to 1.2.21, do you need to recalibrate? 2 повідомлення
to be sure just connect open, short and load (with the cables/adaptors etc) that was used for calibration ... does it show a dot left right centre?? then calibration is fine and can be used ... ifg no
Від Siegfried Jackstien ·
Whooops...installed TinySA firmware on NanoVNA 3 повідомлення
Thank you!
Від Tim Marsh ·
NanoVNA firmvare, compiled by DiSlord 272 повідомлення
Scale factor for SWR = 0.250 = 250m (milli)
Від DiSlord ·
Can't recall saved calibrations from SD card. 3 повідомлення
Thanks for the reply and information. I did recalibrate and saved them to SD. But the RECALL FROM SD menu item isn't there in 1.2.14. I rolled back to 1.2.0 for now. Regards
Від TheSpud ·
nanoVNA H4 upgrade - I can only find NanoVNA H4 v1.2.19.dfu Where is NanoVNA H4 v1.2.19.bin 6 повідомлення
Yes, I found it. I needed to go to "more" and reread the entires. I found Node with "MS5351" and "Si5351" as options. I chose MS5351. Not where I expected it - especially with the number attached to t
Від Lawrance A. Schneider ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW 19 повідомлення
You most likely had a weird chip and firmware combo too. Take it as a learning experience. - know your hardware - make backups of firmware (ideally 2x & crc) - check if updates are compatible with you
Від John Simons ·
#nanovna-h4 #firmware #flashing 5 повідомлення
Great, I had a similar experience while attempting my first H4 upgrade. As you say you must first CHOOSE the new firmware file to load the file into the DFU Demo program. Then select UPGRADE to actual
Від Chris Gardner ·
Artefacts when capturing the screen 4 повідомлення
DiSlord, Correction: My tinySA shows it on the "VERSION" screen, while the NanoVNA does not. But this is also more a topic deep in the HW/FW - we should discuss this on GitHub. Are you still using you
Від Ho-Ro ·
Menu Structure Map for V1.2.14? 17 повідомлення
Hello Martin, Thank you very much for the detailed description. My print out of the SMITH menu is: SMITH LIN LOG REIM RX RLC GB GLC RpXp RpLC <- BACK I think this discussion is of still on topic. I wi
Від Rudi ·
Firmware instalation problem 2 повідомлення
Are you certain that you are actually downloading to the NanoVNA, and not possibly uploading the old from it, and overwriting your image? If you errantly did that even once, subsequent correct attempt
Від Tim Dawson ·