
Q_SYS Crestron Certified Modules version 5.0 and 5.1
https://github.com/MatKlucznyk/Qsys been using this for years and it’s been rock solid. From what I was told version 2,3,4 (not sure on 5) of the Q-SYS modules were all written by different people at
Від sbarnesvta@... · #249548 ·
Q_SYS Crestron Certified Modules version 5.0 and 5.1
I've just swapped a program from 5.0 to 5.2; doing this cleaned up most of the errors i was getting, but still seeing this at startup: Error: splusmanagerapp.exe [App 1] # 2023-03-21 08:27:46 # Module
Від weddellkw · #249546 · Змінено
Q_SYS Crestron Certified Modules version 5.0 and 5.1
In a similar but different vein - trying to upgrade to 5.2 modules has been a complete bust. No connectivity to core at all. Does anyone have any prevailing wisdom that applies?
Від Jonathan Croston · #249540 ·
Q_SYS Crestron Certified Modules version 5.0 and 5.1
Never digged too deep for this bug, I just put a buffer on all inputs within this module, and enable the buffer by the initial input from the core module, error gone.
Від Ev · #249483 ·
Q_SYS Crestron Certified Modules version 5.0 and 5.1
Just downloaded the 5.2 version, the PIN is back as a parameter and the seem to have fixed the library naming problem according to the release notes. V5.0 – Recompiled with Newtonsoft v4.0.8.0 for Cre
Від Olivier Royer · #249159 ·
Q_SYS Crestron Certified Modules version 5.0 and 5.1
Those modules are not so great. I have a set of modules I wrote for qsys l. When I get home I’ll see if I can figure out how to send it your way. Cheers Natalie
Від Natalie Jackman · #249148 ·
Q_SYS Crestron Certified Modules version 5.0 and 5.1
I am getting the following error in the error log: 57. Error: SimplPlus[App02] # 2023-02-13 17:52:48 # Module S- : Q_SYS_Named_Control_Object_V5_0 at line 141: Unhandled Exception:
Від Matt Jones · #249147 ·
Q-SYS Mathew Klucznyk Module
Hi All, I'm successfully using some Q-SYS module from Mathew Klucznyk and they are faster and easier to implement than the QSC certified module from Crestron. In many cases, no need to create a "named
Від Antoine Dervin · #247500 ·
Q_SYS Crestron Certified Modules version 5.0 and 5.1
Thanks Andy for your answer, it is crystal clear for me now. Regards.
Від Antoine Dervin · #247357 ·
Q_SYS Crestron Certified Modules version 5.0 and 5.1
Crestron made a breaking change with the 5.1 update. The PIN field is now a string instead of an integer. They updated the 5.1 simpl module parameters to reflect this as well as the Simpl# library, bu
Від Andy Ross · #247351 ·
Q_SYS Crestron Certified Modules version 5.0 and 5.1
Hi Group, Having some fun with Q-SYS modules version 5.0 and 5.1 that seems to be impossible to have them in the same database. After importing the 5.1 module, I was working on a system with CP4 and 5
Від Antoine Dervin · #247337 ·
Q-sys source off
Add an extra input you're not using and switch to the unused input.
Від Patrick Barron · #243331 ·
Q-sys source off
I did not know that. This is very very helpful. Nice one Biz. Thanks -s
Від Slip Cougan · #243280 ·
Q-sys source off
Hey Slip, Ignore this if you are already aware. You can put your QSys design into emulation mode, point your Crestron to your laptops IP address instead of your hardware QSC Core and then you’ll be ab
Від Biz Shaughnessy · #243278 ·
Q-sys source off
Thanks chaps. Gonna go with unused input simply as time sensitive and limited time on site to test. Regards -s
Від Slip Cougan · #243215 ·
Q-sys source off
I run my own qsys modules, so my router module mutes the output when I send a 0 and then unmutes and selects the source whenever another value is sent. I'm sure you can use 2 different modules and som
Від eagrubbs · #243199 ·
Q-sys source off
If I remember correctly, dedicating and input is the only way to go as even in native q-sys world you can't clear the route. It is wiser to use input 1 as off so if your source# increases, you don't h
Від ZS · #243178 ·
Q-sys source off
Anyone have any insight as to best way to switch off sources on the core? Setting a value of 0d on the Q-SYS [String - Value] V4.2 module does not turn off the source. With this in mind - Currently in
Від Slip Cougan · #243177 ·