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Від MSTC · #255559 ·
Video Storm matrix switcher - ethernet control
Anybody know how to use the ethernet port on these for control? TIA Kol
Від MSTC · #255279 ·
Slide show device
Have you tried setting the screen saver to use photos instead of using the photos app?
Від MSTC · #255167 ·
Touch panel signal type buttons
If you hold shift and click on scroll area the scroll bar will move directly there. There is also alt-D, alt-a, alt-s, and ctrl-g.
Від MSTC · #254991 ·
SimplWindows thinks a signal I deleted still exists
F12 (recompile all) may have worked also.
Від MSTC · #254890 ·
Compile error - 2-series
It sounds a lot like the SPZ file is locked. 1. Find and Delete the SPZ file. 2. Restart computer. If that doesn't work, reinstall all Crestron software. If that doesn't work reinstall windows. If tha
Від MSTC · #254791 ·
Dish Hopper
Dish broke the IP control many years ago and, contrary to what some at Dish have said, they have demonstrated no interest in fixing it. We must use IR for control but there are no IR commands for Home
Від MSTC · #254613 ·
Screen up/down on a single relay.
Short answer is Yes. It seems that the screen control still works, since you describe the thing moving up and also moving down. I think the more important question is why are you asking? Are you tryin
Від MSTC · #254583 ·
Silly question. . . I have a quite remote site with no output, any zone, on one of their amps but it appears to be operating normally according to debugger signals. I did read something from a while b
Від MSTC · #254562 ·
Apple TV IR Driver Solution? (That doesn't skip like CresDB Apple TV (4th Generation))
Global Cache Control Tower - Apple TV Extended v1.1 works perfectly and includes some additional commands, like the home (TV) button
Від MSTC · #254524 ·
CRESTRON CONSTRUCT first impressions
Send them to the north pole, you will get as good a response as possible . . . I had to change a client upgrade over to Home in order to get any functionality out of the 1080. Still finding things to
Від MSTC · #254096 ·
Temperature Sensor recommendations to integrate with crestron CP4
Do you have the internal pull-up enabled or disabled?
Від MSTC · #253996 ·
Mitsubishi mini split and Crestron Home
Take a look at Ultamation's SIMPL HOME
Від MSTC · #253854 ·
Smart graphics button state (active vs inactive)
Hi; First, I am assuming the LED has 0V when it is off and 1.94V when it is on. Second, that LED also has a series resistor to limit current. The other side of that resistor may have a substantially h
Від MSTC · #253743 · Змінено
TSW1070 over Crestnet
We use this, it comes with 2wire to BNC adapters so you can use the YZ pair in the cresnet cable.
Від MSTC · #253322 ·
Weather processor V1.6
HI Dave; It was clickable in the original post. However, it is not clickable in this reply. After you made the change, it remains clickable in the reply. From: <> on behalf of "Dave
Від MSTC · #253297 ·
SIMPL# question
If there is wifi or wired ethernet available at the pool equipment you can test/implement it with any of an array of things like an old 2-series all the way up to the current cen com2 whatever box.. S
Від MSTC · #253279 ·
SIMPL# question
That serial interface might still work. I would test it before abandoning something that works. I have one operating on an iAquaLink system, although the Jandy folks say it won’t work . . . From: <cre
Від MSTC · #253220 ·
UC-MX50T speakerphone issue
PS these units have been in service for over a year, so it is not some commissioning error From: <> on behalf of Kol Johnson <kol.mstc@...> Reply-To: <> Date: F
Від MSTC · #252603 ·
UC-MX50T speakerphone issue
echo cancelling speakerphone isn’t connected (?!) Anybody see/resolve this error on the mercury unit? TIA
Від MSTC · #252602 ·