TDR function?
Yes, it is not labeled 'TDR' in the menus. Instead it is appropriately labeled 'Transform', since it is not a true TDR, but simulation of a TDR via Fourier Transform. On the menus: Display -> Transfor
Від Stan Dye · #38987 ·
NanoVNA APP does not have New Coax Dislord Functions
Hi Nizar, I think you are getting hung up on the wrong thing. Yes, without the corrections, the SWR value will be a little bit off, for instance if you use your 75ohm cable to match to a 75ohm load (a
Від Stan Dye · #38958 ·
NanoVNA APP does not have New Coax Dislord Functions
Nizar, the DiSlord measure functions are only in the nanovna firmware, they do not exist in nanovna-app. Nanovna-app uses the raw data from the nanovna and does all of its own calculations. So to use
Від Stan Dye · #38952 ·
Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button
V1.2.27 is an excellent firmware version, so you are good with it. There are newer versions which add some features. You can read the release notes to see if any of these are important for your use ca
Від Stan Dye · #38920 ·
Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button
Nizar, memory slot 0 is always used at startup. Just save whatever you want to start up with into slot 0.
Від Stan Dye · #38918 ·
USB isolator suggestions?
The WiFi solution I use doesn't require "opening up the NanoVNA". It's portable and completely wireless. Just a simple short OTG cable between the NanoVNA and an old cell phone (I use an old Samsung S
Від Stan Dye · #38869 ·
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
Your observations are mostly correct, Nizar. However, please note the following: 1) The velocity factor setting affects only the reported length measurement, and nothing else. And setting the velocity
Від Stan Dye · #38850 ·
USB isolator suggestions?
You can use an old android smartphone connected to your nanovna via USB, running the TCPUART app to do remote access via WiFi. Search my old posts for TCPUART for details.
Від Stan Dye · #38844 ·
What nanoVNA and from Where
I have the opposite opinion: If you are mostly interested in HF and VHF, then there is no need to pay the additional money for a unit that will work well at multiple GHz. Instead, get the nanoVNA-H4,
Від Stan Dye · #38805 ·
Nanovna H4 firmware 75ohma
You're welcome - enjoy using it. But it is not new, it was added to the nanoVNA in Dec 2021. Stan
Від Stan Dye · #38788 ·
Nanovna H4 firmware 75ohma
Yes, as I noted before, it is done by enabling the "Measure -> Cable(s11)" menu item. I am not aware of a video about this, but it is very easy to use. Just calibrate OSL as normal, using the standard
Від Stan Dye · #38786 ·
Installing DfuSe On Windows 11 ??
Please see this set of instructions I compiled when dealing with this problem, in the files area of this group:
Від Stan Dye · #38785 ·
STM32CubeProgrammer connection lost while updating firmware
Yes, it appears that you may have the "skip flash erase before programming" box checked. There are no lines in the log showing that it erased the flash first. So uncheck that box. Alternately, choose
Від Stan Dye · #38777 ·
Nanovna H4 firmware 75ohma
Ok, just to be sure (again), I just now re-downloaded NanoVNA-H4.v1.2.40.bin from DiSlords github page at and installed it using STM32CubeProgrammer. This
Від Stan Dye · #38770 ·
Why so many different names for the firmware .DFU files? For the -H4, it is one of the two binaries with -H4 in the name. Which one depends on how you are updating your firmware. If you are using STM32CubeProgra
Від Stan Dye · #38765 ·
Nanovna H4 firmware 75ohma
OK, something weird is going on here. The attached screenshot is from my nanoVNA-H4. The port-z is the last item on the display menu. It has been in the DiSlord firmware for many versions, perhaps for
Від Stan Dye · #38754 ·
Measure transformers, inductors and trap filters
It also works fine with the H4
Від Stan Dye · #38750 ·
Nanovna H4 firmware 75ohma
Which firmware version do you have? You can see at config -> version, or on older firmware at the startup screen. And I presume that you have a nanoVNA-H4 model, based on the title of your message. Yo
Від Stan Dye · #38748 ·
Nanovna H4 firmware 75ohma
You don't need special firmware to do that with the H4 - any of the recent versions of DiSlord's firmware will make those measurements. Calibrate as normal with a 50-ohm load. Then in Display -> Port-
Від Stan Dye · #38740 ·
Calibrating Methods
Not so - all recent DiSlord firmware for nanovna names the save slot with the frequency range used to calibrate. Also, when you restore a calibration, it also restores the frequency range, so you can
Від Stan Dye · #38723 ·