Exporting data 4 повідомлення
When I run Ltsputil.exe -ca MyFile.raw MyFile.txt, I get this but no output: Ltsputil.exe: LTspiceIV/SwitcherCADIII utility version 2.95a Usage: Ltsputil.exe -command [param1] [param2] [param3] [..] .
Від John Waugaman ·
Ltsputil does not produce output 4 повідомлення
Yes, the conversion utility is still needed. LTspice XVII added Unicode capability. The first part of the .RAW file is readable text, and it uses Unicode (not sure if it always does, but apparently us
Від Andy I ·
LTSPice super utility is ready. 3 повідомлення
Від Tony Casey ·
ltsputil.exe - download link & usage 2 повідомлення
Files > z_yahoo > Util > ltsputil https://groups.io/g/LTspice/files/z_yahoo/Util/ltsputil Not needed, but might also be helpful to use: Files > z_yahoo > Util > GUI for ltsputil https://groups.io/g/LT
Від Andy I ·
ELEMENT MULTIPLIERS (was: 3 повідомлення
magiczek44, Please use a real subject line. Your subject line has only #Hashtags. That is no good. Also, it has nothing to do with LTSPUTIL, so why did you use the #ltsputil hashtag? Also it has nothi
Від Andy I ·
I recommend you learn how to search better. Meanwhile, here: https://groups.io/g/LTspice/files/z_yahoo/Util/ltsputil Regards, Tony
Від Tony Casey ·