Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
You could also run it through the COIL software. It will spit out SRF. It also allows for several different types of former being used, and also the wall thickness of the former.
Від Jim VE7RF · #38881 ·
settings for spectrum analyzer use? (I understand it has serious limits)
On an unrelated side note, if u get the tiny SA, get the 4" version. It will do TX IMD tests....IE: 2 tone...and measure IMD3-5-7 etc. It will also display local AM / FM broadcast stations here in tow
Від Jim VE7RF · #38880 ·
Choke measurement
Here's what I don't get. (This is for a plate choke for a 6M monoband amplifier). 1" solid teflon form 22 ga magnet wire .696" long winding length. 23.868 turns 0" lead length. freq = 1 mhz Using 'COI
Від Jim VE7RF · #38717 ·
Effect of asphalt under a 10m 1/2w center fed dipole at 1/2 wave elevation
## On my 75m 1/4 wave sloper, BW increased by a bunch. Same deal on local ham across town on his 75m delta loop. ## One woulda thought that when u went from 12 ga to 4 ga ( that's a huge increase) you
Від Jim VE7RF · #38289 ·
Effect of asphalt under a 10m 1/2w center fed dipole at 1/2 wave elevation
## That could be done with a fan dipole, with just 2 wires per side...and stagger tuned. IE: one dipole tuned for 3625 khz . The 2nd one tuned for 3875 khz . Each dipole covers 250 khz....or +/- 125 k
Від Jim VE7RF · #38288 ·
Effect of asphalt under a 10m 1/2w center fed dipole at 1/2 wave elevation
The original G5RV was originally a monoband 20m ant. At 102' long it resonated on it's 3rd harmonic. No different than using a 40m dipole on 15m...same deal. Z on it's 3rd harmonic was aprx 100 ohms..
Від Jim VE7RF · #38287 ·
Effect of asphalt under a 10m 1/2w center fed dipole at 1/2 wave elevation
## I cut it initially on the longer side. It's easier to trim it..... vs mucking about trying to add wire at each end.
Від Jim VE7RF · #38236 ·
Effect of asphalt under a 10m 1/2w center fed dipole at 1/2 wave elevation
I use 10 ga RW-90 power cable for wire ants, sloper's, etc. With 10 ga, it will be plenty strong enough.....and also have loads of BW. BW increases a bunch when using bigger ga wire.
Від Jim VE7RF · #38227 ·
NanoVNA vs. Rig Expert
I use the Nanovna to indicate the exact series resonant freqs of my hb plate chokes. AFAIK, the rig expert won't do that.
Від Jim VE7RF · #37920 ·
Is it possible to detect frequency bands with NanoVNA
I bought the newer ultra SA...which has a 4" screen and also will do 2 tone IMD tests. So far, so good, works superb. I forget what the upper freq limit is on it.
Від Jim VE7RF · #37712 ·
L & R measurement of a coil
François, your inductor looks like attached picture. Self resonance is close up to 200MHz. NANO VNA in smith chart mode shows a lot of information. The impedance is ESR + XL that's runs from short cir
Від Jim VE7RF · #37616 ·
L & R measurement of a coil
Francois. Just convert from inches to mm. It's done all the time. Takes mere seconds. Non issue. 1mm = 1 / 25.4 = .039370" Just use an online conversion. Brian. Typ 'magnet wire' comes in at least 4 x
Від Jim VE7RF · #37600 ·
Stacking Torroids
Danny horvath used to make CMC's that covered 160-10m. I have 2 of em. Each box consisted of 2 x stacked type 31 cores, with (I think) 12 turns of RG-303..... which was then fed in series to the 2 x s
Від Jim VE7RF · #37401 ·
Common Mode Chokes
Use a clamp on RF ammeter and measure the CM current. Only then will you know if a particular design is working correctly.
Від Jim VE7RF · #37367 ·
Common mode choke evaluation
You could use a clamp on RF ammeter....and actually measure any common mode current. The reading you get will change, depending where on the coax, it's being clamped around. Having said that, the clam
Від Jim VE7RF · #36914 ·
How long does it take to charge up the nano VNA ????
How long does it take to charge the battery....if not quite dead ? Does it trickle charge once charged up ??
Від Jim VE7RF · #36765 ·
True, BUT, the history of these 2 x folks is utterly fascinating. Makes for a good read.
Від Jim VE7RF · #36756 ·
Coax Loss?
And here I was doing it the old way..... hauling a bird wattmeter to top of tower....(along with a heathkit DL) ....with a 2nd bird in shack. Then trying to co-ordinate with (ex) wife on 2m simplex. T
Від Jim VE7RF · #36130 ·
Plate chokes....again.
Before I modify, and re-wind the existing smaller choke, I'm going to 1st remove some turns....and tweak it so the 1st series resonance is up around 23-24 mhz....then measure the uh, Then remove even
Від Jim VE7RF · #35612 ·
Plate chokes....again.
## I bought just 2 of em at SSON yrs ago. Shoulda bought more of em. ( they all had a 28 vdc coil). They were made by Prestolite...and are no longer in business. They were 100% solid built. I use one
Від Jim VE7RF · #35610 ·