Ferromagnetic core modeling.
I have repeatedly shown how it is quite simple to model transformers with cores with hysteresis loops. I posted the models on LTwiki. I have many examples of circuit calculation. It surprises me that
Александр Бордодынов
· #156892
Zener voltage of b-e junction
See file Draft506_.zip in TEMP folder.
Александр Бордодынов
· #156448
Diode breakdown region
See example APD .Subckt S6045_1 P dm dp k=0.5 ids=100p idg=100f .param C0=10.8p rs=10 r p 0 1gig * k- koeff A/Wt g dm 8 P 0 {k} Rs 12 dp {rs} * C ot V c dm 120 {C0} va 120 12 0 bc dm 12 i=i(va)*(TABLE
Александр Бордодынов
· #156443
Diode breakdown region
I think my example with diodes will be useful to you and only you. The effect of spice parameters on the reverse current of the diode. See file ExampleDiode.zip in TEMP folder. Bordodynov.
Александр Бордодынов
· #156425
A simple way to determine the stability of an amplifier.
There are different ways to determine the stability of an amplifier. And there is a simple way, more understandable, derived from the theory, which is discussed in textbooks. I used the possibility of
Александр Бордодынов
· #156078
NMOS-based switch sampling circuit
I put a small transistor in my version, and not as in the original electronic circuit. Capacitors of the order of 1 picofarad are placed in filters on switchable capacitors. Dynamic memory chips use o
Александр Бордодынов
· #156063
NMOS-based switch sampling circuit
A more correct scheme cmos sw_sampAB.zip in TEMP fplder.
Александр Бордодынов
· #156061
XL4016 LTSpice model
Hi. Yes, as mentioned here, I have an error in the last output. Since the original circuit did not work with 8 V power, I corrected the numbers to 7.9 V.
Александр Бордодынов
· #155993
Updating the component library in LTspice 24.0.12
An alternative was proposed - adding your own files with models, with file names other than the standard ones. And then when you select, you select from the summary file. There were messages and I ask
Александр Бордодынов
· #155902
Reconstitute LM4050 simulation
See simple model: .model LM4050_5V d Vfwd=0.6 Vrev=4.99952 ron=10 Rrev=0.5 Roff=110k
Александр Бордодынов
· #155844
Modeling an LDMOS RF FET
Hi. I downloaded models the RF N-CHANNEL VERTICAL DMOS MOSFET. It's better than nothing. See the polyfet.zip file in the TEMP folder.
Александр Бордодынов
· #154279
Oscillator stops oscillating
Hi. I had to model an old circuit in LTspice24 (needed to recalculate some things) and it didn't work. I had to force TRTOL=1 to make it work. I came to the conclusion that the previous value of TRTOL
Александр Бордодынов
· #153867
proper way to simulate floating ground in UCC21220AD_TRANS
Hi. Generally speaking I don't think floating land is necessary. It is possible to calculate circuits without it. But especially for stubborn people I have created a model of floating ground and a sym
Александр Бордодынов
· #153850
New bug LTspice 24
On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 11:48 PM, Tony Casey wrote: 24.0.12 V24.0.12. I figured it out, I checked an extra box.
Александр Бордодынов
· #153364
New bug LTspice 24
I decided to calculate the old circuit and found a very unpleasant fact. I could not calculate the transistor power. I could only see the collector current. The emitter and base currents are not shown
Александр Бордодынов
· #153362
LTspice24 does not see my user.* files.
I solved the problem by reinstalling the program.
Александр Бордодынов
· #153241
LTspice24 does not see my user.* files.
UTF-8 file format. c:\Users\bordodynov\AppData\Local\LTspice\lib\cmp\ I put the user.* files in the same place as standard.*
Александр Бордодынов
· #153215
LTspice24 does not see my user.* files.
Hello everyone. LTspice 24 does not see my user.* files. Please help me. bordodynov.
Александр Бордодынов
· #153205
How Could the Validity of John Chan Model Be Proved?
See file NL_50Hz_5x6_v1_AB.zip in TEMP folder.
Александр Бордодынов
· #153108
How Could the Validity of John Chan Model Be Proved?
I have uploaded your schematic calculated my way. I have two kinds of windings in my library. One without leakage and one with leakage. The second option increases the calculation time a bit.
Александр Бордодынов
· #153104
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