Measuring Attenuators
Dave, Not sure I'm on the right idea but have you tried the "Spectrum" program? (I have a nice HP-3561A I use to use years ago, I guess I ought to get it out and dust it off) Mike C. Sand Mtn GA
Від Mike C. · #38911 ·
Short answer is, YES, however, you'll have shorter runtime.
Від Mike C. · #38769 ·
"Fake" NanoVNAs?
Ditto, Dave I can vouch for they are near Bensalem, Pennsylvania. Great people. Mike C. Sand Mtn GA
Від Mike C. · #38768 ·
"Fake" NanoVNAs?
OK guys, Over the years I have purchased over 1k$ of the sort of cell we are looking for, i.e. 18650 and they are REAL. Here's the site: The only problem is shipping, it's b
Від Mike C. · #38767 ·
Measure transformers, inductors and trap filters
<snip> Mike C. Sand Mtn GA
Від Mike C. · #38517 ·
NanoVNA-H4 turns off after one second
I'm in the weeds reading this but what I do to verify a "working" battery is: charge it up and then put a calculated load across it while monitoring the battery health. i.e. choose a fixed load like 1
Від Mike C. · #38452 ·
NanoVNA top lines documentation?
For me, every little bit helps, thanks. Mike C. Sand Mtn GA
Від Mike C. · #38305 ·
NanoVNA top lines documentation?
Matthew, If you follow Stan's procedure, could you please redisplay your original setup so we can compare the shots? I'd appreciate it, thanks. Mike C. Sand Mtn GA
Від Mike C. · #38299 ·
Marker: frequency rounded to nearest mhz
Hi Mike, From another Mike, your example "eg: 447.850mhz" should read 447.850Mhz. Our unit does NOT read "mili" hertz. Mike C. Sand Mtn GA
Від Mike C. · #37662 ·
SV-4401A: battery gone...?
Hi Scott, I've purchased well over $1k buck from these people and they are great and very quick on delivery. One note: when buying see how much you can stuff into your order until the shipping starts
Від Mike C. · #37629 ·
Detect antenna open or short
Wow! I'm in my 80th year (79) and climbing still gives me a thrill. (used to climb aircraft carriers antennas years ago when I knew the fall could NOT possibly hurt me, only the sudden stop) :0) BTW:
Від Mike C. · #37328 ·
E-Book Impedance Matching
OK, Francois, can you go a little deeper and explain yourself? Thanks. Mike C. Sand Mtn GA
Від Mike C. · #37289 ·
Smith Charts Tutorial
Ben & All, Here's the pdf chart. Mike C. Sand Mtn GA
Від Mike C. · #37268 ·
Bob Morrison Obit
Hi All, I've included a link to his official obit, see below: Remembering LCDR Robert “Bob” Morrison, USN, (Ret.) Robert “Bob” Morrison passed away Tuesday, March 5, 2024 in Virginia Beach, Va. surrou
Від Mike C. · #36909 ·
Sad News
To All, Sad news to report. Bob Morrison has passed away. I learned of it today from a friend in Virginia. I will copy Bob's Obituary as soon as my friend sends it to me and pass it along to the group
Від Mike C. · #36874 ·
What do I have and what firmware is compatable?
Pictures would be worth thousands of words. Mike C. Sand Mtn GA
Від Mike C. · #34693 ·
How do you measure a car antenna?
Hmmmm... so you'll be 'testing' while you're applying the brakes???
Від Mike C. · #33963 ·
USB vs no USB readings Plots change...
Back in the 70's I worked for GE testing yokes on TV's. The yokes had a couple of layers of #22 enameled wire etc... I say all this to open some ideas or complaints regarding using these yokes to do t
Від Mike C. · #33959 ·
How do you measure a car antenna?
EV's don't have "alternators". :0)
Від Mike C. · #33956 ·
The ultimate nanoVNA-H4 case?
Or how about this? It's $1.25 @ Dollar General The 3rd pic shows a larger box on the right that will hold the VNA-64 and all sorts of cables and connectors. I even put a dr
Від Mike C. · #33563 ·