#857D #cat #software Unable to use CHIRP
13 повідомлення
Have you tried FDBasicMMO software by G4HFQ (silent key) ?? It's free and should work with the Ft-857 https://www.m0lxq.com/g4hfq/download.html dwight
CAT reverse engineered ?
12 повідомлення
Hi FT8x7 EEPROM Analyzer is very useful for CAT commands and online user guide is quite helpful. Thank you.
FT-857 menu settings for WSJTX
4 повідомлення
Hi, Brian I highly recommend you check out this document: https://www.sparc-club.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/SETUP_for_FLDIGI_and_WSJT-X_on_Windows-10_FT-857D_Sm-Mag-Loop_YT-100_2018-04-03.pdf It's
Bill Akins NT1N
2 повідомлення
Good morning. Just in case this is missing. You also need to have the clock on pc in sync. Usually, through a software time sync such as https://www.timesynctool.com/ What's the DIG MODE? I think USER
FT857D and Signalink
3 повідомлення
Dear Kelly It was a mistake to select the CAT subject. About the connection The Printer port cable to Laptops USB port. And the 6 Pin cable is connected to the 6 pin data jack of the radio. Thanks for
Easwaran Unni Tharakkal VU2TE
857 and CAT control
2 повідомлення
Hi Unni, I'll assume you're running windows 10 or 11. What I found is that in windows 10 FTDI has tried to use the driver to block the use of third party versions of FTDI 232 chips. If you open the de
Steve VA3SAX
CAT / DIN (?) reliable connector manufacturer wanted
3 повідомлення
Just use a sharp carpet knife and shave off some of the rubber all around the outside of the connector. 1/16 of an inch all the way around and it will fit nicely. Anne Ranch wrote on 1/12/2023 08:40:
External Cat Display
13 повідомлення
I use this display. https://www.m5poo.co.uk/catdisplay-zl1cvd/ Zl4IV
CatRadio - Radio Control Software
9 повідомлення
Why is it that "download software" is buried somewhere ? At the bottom of the page,???? Actually more basic tech info is missing or not specifically highlighted . That would be really nice to know ope
Anne Ranch
3 повідомлення
use the audio jack on the back of radio to feed external speaker ><))):>
Jack W4GRJ
857D-HRD disconnection on 40 mts
5 повідомлення
Also try adding a random length of coax to your feedline (10-15 ft.). Also try looping the end of the feedline around a toriod core... And don't forget the microphone cable.. I've solved RF issues by
Ron Jakubowski
FT 857 D display LCD/control head
Hai all Any body hvae an idea who deals with FT857/Yaesu repair/service in and around Hong Kong or Shenzhen,China to get my FT857 disply repaired. I am not sttin the spare disply from any online sourc
Easwaran Unni Tharakkal VU2TE
New Bluetooth Yaesu Cat Interface for sale
8 повідомлення
Thanks Richard 73 de Alex VK2PIR
Alex Sentana
CAT software with bluetooth
2 повідомлення
If you have a Bluetooth library for Linux, then it should just be a matter of sending the CAT commands to Bluetooth library and let it send those to the 857. The Bluetooth on the 857 I assume is conne
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