USB isolator suggestions?
I did a study on this. There are USB isolators, but they are not cheap, and most do not reach USB 3.0 speeds. The easiest way is to make a separation of the ground (case) connection with a grounded US
Від ON1BES · #38863 ·
Choke measurement
Another idea: with a simple program like RFSim99 you take try the dimensions of the coil and enter them in the program. You will then get a calculated frequency and an inductance. Herman ON1BES
Від ON1BES · #38647 ·
Choke measurement
Why do you want to measure that choke? Is there a problem with it? If you can't loosen that choke, measuring with a VNA is almost impossible because of the correct connection to be made and the own im
Від ON1BES · #38646 ·
NanoVNA-H4 turns off after one second
I am also almost certain of a bad battery. I would definitely test it with a 6V (bicycle) lamp or something similar. You can also temporarily connect ANY 3.7V Li-ion battery (from GSM, DECT telephone,
Від ON1BES · #38493 ·
Changing size of the NanoVNA screen
Some have not read the files section. Replacing is possible if the flat cable connector has the same PIN configuration. Another type with more pins, recuire a study of the right connections and signal
Від ON1BES · #38477 ·
Changing size of the NanoVNA screen
Yes, if yours it is a 2.8" NanoVNA-H, i have replace the LCD screen with a 3.2" version. This is described eirlier in the Files section. It was the only version that has fit on the 40p? flatcable.
Від ON1BES · #38451 ·
NanoVNA-F V2
You have a NanoVNA-F (without Vx?) with a 4 inch LCD? That's a different kind of VNA than in this group. I have a small NanoVNA-H with 2.8 LCD (for this group) and a large NanoVNA-F V2 with 4 inch LCD
Від ON1BES · #36826 ·
How long does it take to charge up the nano VNA ????
As with any VNA, it depends on your battery capacity, and its aging. Hard to say.
Від ON1BES · #36771 ·
How to set the display of S21 and S11
Or one of the hundred videos on YouTube about using the NanoVNA.
Від ON1BES · #36227 ·
How to set the display of S21 and S11
I would just look in a manual for the NanoVNA. On Google you will find at least a dozen where everything is explained.
Від ON1BES · #36226 ·
nanoVNA-F firmware update
I think it is misunderstood here: the NanoVNA-F is from Deepelec and is an LCD 4 inch version, derived from the NanoVNA-H. Deepelec is part of a different Group here, and has its own firmware.
Від ON1BES · #36029 ·
Tecsun antenne AN-200 give no swr dip on NanoVNA
Has anyone ever connected a Tecsun AN-200 to the NanoVNA? This antenna is suitable from 470-1750kHz (MG) performs poorly, and there is no logmag dip or swr visible on the NanoVNA. There is a nice dip
Від ON1BES · #35482 ·
This version NanoVNA-F : It is an old version, and now replaces with yej NanoVNA-F Ver2. It goes to 3GHz. Better pric
Від ON1BES · #34688 ·
I have one LCD screen spare part, but it is for the Nano-VNA-H LCD= 2.8" version.
Від ON1BES · #34687 ·
need a startup guide that describes the behavior of the LEDs on the side
You find hints in the manual in the Wiki. The RED led ( i think ), has the behavior of a USB power pack LED, because there is a power-pack chip (IP5303) in the Nano to charge the battery and a "watch
Від ON1BES · #17828 ·
[nanoVNA] A practical case identifying ferrite materials
A friend of mine gave me this link . very clear stuf:
Від ON1BES · #13357 ·
nanovna often not powering on when on battery
So far after a couple weeks, no problems since replacing the IP5303 with an IP5305. (it's the same, compatible, but one extra LED pin for extra battery indication). Also the 10x space IP5303 bought by
Від ON1BES · #8952 ·
Screen replacement?
Hi Terry, it's a long time ago.. Because the seach problems of the replaced LCD, i post the link for Ali. You must choose the version with touch. But it is in Dutch. Search the exact same LCD in your
Від ON1BES · #8548 ·
First PCB pictures of the V2
In my opinium, the on/off and the jog switch can better be swapped.
Від ON1BES · #8421 ·
My nanoVNA does't go into DFU mode
Have you read the Wiki files for upgrading ? Zadig is not nessecary. And you need to place the boot switch of jumpers needed to start in DFU mode.
Від ON1BES · #8252 ·