More Check Washing Theft
Stop using personal checks! Instead, pay by bank check from your own bank, which you can easily do online. Personal checks take a lot more processing rigmarole for banks also. Even paying tax bills by
Stephanie Gerard
· #220995
Found: asparagus on the lam
Has anyone lost asparagus in Cleveland Park? I did some detective work, and my forensic examination suggests they were purchased about noon today [December 23]. If you are missing those rascals -- the
Stephanie Gerard
· #220886
Anyone know a Liron Shirazi? We keep getting their misdelivered mail
For 1st-class mail that's not deliverable, cross out name & address, and write RTS* with an arrow pointing toward the return/sender address. Leave it in sight for the mail carrier. You do not need to
Stephanie Gerard
· #220831
GW Immediate & Primary Care no longer offers "immediate care"
That facility sounds as functional as our Congress. I suggest haiku-ish notice at the door : More or less Immediate Care Make Appointment if you dare Some restrictions apply. Goodbye. The AllCare on I
Stephanie Gerard
· #220817
ISO donation pickup or drop off -- need new group ASAP
Green Drop also has a drop off site at Friendship Heights, big truck there every day. It's in the old Lord and Taylor parking lot. Easy. The crew is helpful, takes your email and sends receipt. Steph
Stephanie Gerard
· #220772
Parking meter and street ID confusion
Been there! If meter not functioning, they get EZ money without having to repair. Of course the merchants lose some biz. Once, some years ago on a Sat., whole east side of the Cleveland Park commercia
Stephanie Gerard
· #220717
Squirrel zero tasking
Watching street life there for almost half hour this a.m. (One of the ones I feed on the windowsill.) Silly buggers. Steph Gerard Woodley Rd
Stephanie Gerard
· #220680
ISO Experiences with Mulberry's Garment Care (was: ISO Favorite Dry Cleaner Recommendations)
What is Mulberry's like? It is on Wisconsin at Fessenden and calls itself "garment care." I am curious whether it's a dry cleaner that does not use perc in its cleaning ingredients. Steph Gerard
Stephanie Gerard
· #220647
Mysterious objects - anyone know what they are?
Found a bunch of these in the gutter at Macklin construction site. Are they vape cartridges? They're made of glass, so should go into recycle, whatever they are. Steph Gerard Woodley Rd Gerardsteph@ya
Stephanie Gerard
· #220625
Any tree sales this weekend (Dec 14-15)?
Still plenty of Christmas trees nearby at these lots on Mass Ave: Annunciation Church and the Embassy Church. Plus the latter has live-animal Nativity scene Sun. nights 6 - 8 p.m. Steph Gerard Woodley
Stephanie Gerard
· #220580
FFPU dresser
Sweet dresser available. In parking pull-in area next to 3707 Woodley Rd. Steph Gerard Woodley Rd Gerardsteph@... [Gerardsteph @ yahoo dot com]
Stephanie Gerard
· #220497
Found: Set of Keys
A set of house keys on Connecticut Ave sidewalk near Uptown Theater. A plastic tag but no name, not identifiable. I have them. Steph Gerard Gerardsteph@... [Gerardsteph @ yahoo dot com]
Stephanie Gerard
· #220486
Any tree sales this weekend (Dec 14-15)?
The lot at the corner of Wisconsin and Edmunds across from Russian compound has Christmas trees in abundance. Steph Gerard
Stephanie Gerard
· #220465
Is anyone collecting 2025 wall calendars?
Yes, I collect them for refugee families. Glad to pick up. Steph Gerard Gerardsteph@... [Gerardsteph @ yahoo dot com]
Stephanie Gerard
· #220171
ISO Update on the unfinished buildings at Newark and Connecticut
In the past month there have been workmen on site daily, with trucks going onto and off the lot. Hope somehow the volunteer catalpa is saved. Steph Gerard Woodley Rd --------- The original message is
Stephanie Gerard
· #220154
ISO info on end of "Right Turn on Red" in DC
Well, we can protest "right turn on red" by not making that turn! I don't. It's not mandatory. Let drivers behind me honk, flash lights, but I do not turn right on red, nor do I run yellow lights. Civ
Stephanie Gerard
· #220041
ISO info on end of "Right Turn on Red" in DC / Re: The Truth About Bike Lanes - Washington Post Article
In response to Message #219924 : How long have we lived in DC? I tried for four days to get the HAWK light on Wisconsin at Veazy repaired, to no effect. The people at 311 were unresponsive, took no de
Stephanie Gerard
· #219945
Correction to previous message: Re: The Truth About Bike Lanes - Washington Post Article
Correction: I meant to cite Lowell St, not Klingle, as fully parked up in daytime. As is 43rd St and the east side of New Mexico Ave (the apartment buildings at the intersection need a lot of spaces).
Stephanie Gerard
· #219925
The Truth About Bike Lanes - Washington Post Article
Some residents along New Mex have driveways but no parking for visitors or service vehicles. And Klingle is fully "parked" in daytime when people going into Foxhall building. (Yesterday I circled, eve
Stephanie Gerard
· #219921
The Truth About Bike Lanes - Washington Post Article
Timely Marc Fisher article in WaPo. I traverse Tunlaw and New Mexico avenues almost daily and never encounter bikers. Even today as I sat at the Starbucks at Foxhall for a half hour, nary a cyclist pa
Stephanie Gerard
· #219896
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