
Auto-logging/extracting data over time (unattended measurement) 5 повідомлення
Hello, If your still interested, I might write some software to do this logging. It would be written in Keysight VEE and logged into MS Excel. I would prefer to take this outside the group. Let me kno
Від pete.berquist ·
SWR measurement of CB antenna with PL-259 24 повідомлення
Adapters make it easy. But at 27mhz, could use a couple 10cm long test leads with alligator clips to somehow connect braid to braid and center conductor to center conductor. That would work just fine.
Від Jerry Gaffke ·
NanoVNA H4 and OneOFEleven_v1.1.5.0 on 10 Oct 2020 14 повідомлення
Hello there, My NanoVNA-H4 & OneOfEleven V The OneOfEleven version v1.1.5.0 doesn't work on my Windows 8.1 machine. The com port connection is OK but no scan or point collected and plotted on
Від Alain ·
A guide for absolute beginners 18 повідомлення
Martin, thank you very much for the instruction manual. I’m sure it’s gonna help many people in the future. I haven’t even read, but just took a quick glance and I can tell you did a great job. 34 pag
Від Noel W2MSA ·
NanoVNA presentation 7 повідомлення
W2AEW Alan knows the material and is an exellent instructor. His videos are exsquisite . The Nano VNA is quite the tool. Be sure to do an adequate calibration. I found it much easier to use once I loa
Від Barry K3EUI ·
Advice for a VNA Noob 20 повідомлення
In the past few months QST has run a few articles bout VNA's and the authors have been enthusiastic about the devices.So I signed on to this .io group at the suggestion of the uthor, Phil Salas. As a
Від Robert Coleman ·
Finally getting into my Gecko, only two traces 4 повідомлення
I finally started learning about this thing and all the videos I've seen so far show four traces. I've only got two. Do I need a firmware update, or what?
Від Bear Albrecht ·
Help me ubuntu 20.04 lts 16 повідомлення
Hello everyone, i tried to install nanovna-saver on ubuntu 20.04 I can't finish the installation Pyton 3.7 does not uninstall because there is version 3.9 ..... I don't know exactly how to bypass the
Від Roby ·
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion 10 повідомлення
A big improvement! Thanks!
Від Steve Harbin KT5G ·
Devices under test and devices in a system 13 повідомлення
I have tested many filters and antennas under various load conditions, from 10 Ohms, up through 150 Ohms. Inductance, capacitance, reactive loading, and Smith chart based indications for capacitive an
Від ... ·
#newbie #nanovna-saver 7 повідомлення
I had this old UHF Motorola Duplexor in my garage, and I thought I would use it as a test article. It needed 20 years of 409 cleanup, and I cleaned all the connectors. I picked a receiver pass frequen
Від ... ·
Using a nanoVNA to test a transmitter 21 повідомлення
I say go for it, 1.2W is nothing and the soldering lesson you will get afterwards will be a great learning experience.
Від Dragan Milivojevic ·
Nanovna V2 reset 3 повідомлення
Hello, I just started plying around with the NANOVNA V2 and would like to know if there's a way to reset the nanovna to how it originally would be when I turn it on. I tried introducing an electrical
Від sheninfrancis23@... ·
#coils #nanovna-saver #newbie #nanovna-f 3 повідомлення
NanoVNA-Saver works with most of the NanoVNA variants. Yes, you could use it to capture the .s1p files for a series of measurements. (or make plots and export them) There's also nanovna.py which provi
Від Jim Lux ·
Focus on the Fundamentals. #newbie #tutorials #learning #general vna 2 повідомлення
From the beginning: Many of the questions that appear in this forum regarding VNA operation suggest the fundamental premise of the VNA is either missing, misunderstood, assumed, or ignored. Questions
Від Gary O'Neil ·
settings at start up 9 повідомлення
When I do a CAL the results are saved, for my use I save it in 3. So if turn it on later I can recall 3, and the CAL settings will be set up once again. But after doing the CAL and saving I set up a s
Від ... ·
#adapters #calibration #newbie #solt 3 повідомлення
Calibration, Compensation, DIY Parts Hacking!...... My First Post! im new to all this so let me know if im the right page.... and i hope this helps another new user to get going faster then i did..lol
Від KK6DBR ·
NanoVNA Saver on Raspberry Pi, window scaling?
I have a NanoVNA-H v4.2, connected to a Raspberry Pi 4 (Buster). NanoVNA-saver was installed according to the instructions at https://photobyte.org/nanovna-saver-on-the-raspberry-pi/. When I run it, t
Від Eric Hansen, KB1VUN ·
Can it be saved? 4 повідомлення
Turn off the NanoVNA. Then open the case and short VDD and Boot0 together and turn on the NanoVNA. Remove the short and you are now in DFU mode. Then flash the firmware with the correct version for yo
Від Roger Need ·
Static Energy and Is This the Correct Group? 6 повідомлення
Thanks for all the great advise. I really appreciate it. I'm still in the process of ordering everthing I need to install my antenna. It involves drilling holes in exterior wall, installing interior a
Від Peter N0PGM #3460 ·