Firmware and PC application stability
69 повідомлення
Dear @DiSLord, @OneOfEleven @Holger and others I am very impressed with the progress made on both the -H and -H4 firmware and the NanoVNA-Saver and the work you are doing. However, I want to raise a c
New topic for test new nanoVNA features
5 повідомлення
Hi DiSlord is it normal that the on / off configuration of the traces is not saved? When I browse the menus I often have freezes with version 1.0.13 and 1.0.14. it is not systematic. This often happen
#nanovna-h #applications #measurement #simulation
7 повідомлення
Here is an application report on the NanoVNA-H and SPICE simulation. The report is in German. Enjoy!
Menu not working correctly
8 повідомлення
Hello I just got a NanoVNA H. After I connected to the windows app the Menu doesnt work properly. Main menu shows up correctly but then you select any item the menu disapear. I meant the submenues doe
Francisco Gonzalez
Setting Stop Frequency to 1500 MHz on NanoVNA-H 3.4
10 повідомлення
I recently bought the NanoVNA-H ver 3.4 and I have upgraded the firmware to the following release ( to allow it to measure beyond 900 MHz. Aft
A guide for absolute beginners
18 повідомлення
I have uploaded file in files section of this group: Absolute Beginner's Guide to The NanoVNA. Comments are welcomed here or to my email: 9a2jk _at_ As English is not my native language an
NanoVNA-H low frequency errors
10 повідомлення
G'day, Apologies if this has been covered - however I have not been able to find anything in my search. I am wondering if others have come across an issue with errors in the lower frequencies of their
Nanovna H not read signals
6 повідомлення
Yesterday I went to check the resonance of my EFHW antenna with the nanovna h and found that in no port I can read the signal. I removed it from the antenna and tested it with a simple dipole and it a
Júnior PY2ADA
NanoVNA-H software update
19 повідомлення
It has been suggested that I update my NanoVNA-h device but as I am not used to updating any software, I need step by step instructions, with no steps missing. In otherwords evert click or data entry
Ray Denton
NanoVNA Firmware 1.0.53 Menu flow diagram.
5 повідомлення
I've had this NanoVNA-H for two days and upgraded the firmware to 1.0.53 already. This firmware is quite powerful and well designed. However since this version has 'out stripped' 1.0.23 and I couldn't
v1.0.63 firmware from DiSlord
20 повідомлення
Hello, DiSlord has released the latest version of the firmware, which can be downloaded from The fimware makes a lot of changes, which it details: Added
Gyula Molnar
SWR what did I mess up
13 повідомлення
Have nanovna -H I think firmware 1070 Saver ver 3.9 When I measure swr on saver for a known antenna it never shows above 1.13 when I know it higher on vna screen looks close to correct what did I mess
#crash #dfu #firmware #nanovna-h #problem #repair
8 повідомлення
Good morning, last night I used nanovna, to check a qfh; it seemed to me out of position and the battery was dead. I decide to charge the battery, at the end I turn on and this is the only thing I see
claudio ferrari
It does not work with the top cover
2 повідомлення
Good morning, with the top cover screwed on, the touch screen does not work properly; if I take it off working properly. What can be done? ik1yrc Claudio 73'ss
claudio ferrari
How do I interpret these results?
19 повідомлення
Greetings All, I've attached two sweeps of my comet GP-1 antenna. It's mounted on a 10ft pole above my second story chimney (~35ft above ground). It's grounded and bonded, etc. The 2m performance is a
Ben Cranston
H will callibrate okay(?) but won't plot anything
Have been using my nanoVNA-H to tune my antennas for the lower bands in ham radio for over a year. It has been a lifesaver! I started to use it recently and it seemed to complete the calibration proce
Stephen KO4CVU
NanoVNA-H and -H4 failures with NanoVNA-App and NanoVNA Saver
3 повідомлення
I have been asked to give a presentation on these small VNAs, partly because I was an early adopter, even if I have not been that active for the past 18 months. I borrowed a -H v3.6 firmware DisLord r
Rich NE1EE
NanoVNA-H "Fail Write" to 16GB SD card
13 повідомлення
Version 1.1; Build Dec 21 2021. Verbatim 16 GB micro SD card. First formated Fat 32 via Windows 10 system. Wouldn't write from NANO. Next installed "SD Card Formater" on my desktop. Did a full Fat 32
4 повідомлення
Hello, I have the problem with the nno vna h, that the submenus no longer work. I was calibrating a range of frequencies, and I stopped. since then the submenus no longer appear. It is practically unu
claudio ferrari
NanoVNA -H
5 повідомлення
Can anyone tell me the latest version of firmware and link please. Totally confused so far. Thanks
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