Rollease driver not loading after processor reboot
New version of driver through Control Concepts fixed problem.
· #253474
Rollease driver not loading after processor reboot
After processor reboot, control of shades is lost. The Rollease Hub 2 still shows online but all shades associated report "Driver failed to load". Each shade then has to be reassigned to the room and
· #253429
Crestron Home Losing Control of Roku using IP
Have you tried updating the Roku driver to the latest version (driver ID 4976, v2.0700.0001, last updated 10/13/2023)? Reportedly the latest version of this driver deals with this very issue. Here is
· #251927
Crestron Home Losing Control of Roku using IP
Never mind. I found a Roku at my house and tested that menu. It doesn't allow you to set anything. Just gives you information. Maybe forget the wireless network? Then it won't automatically switch
Eric Luckart
· #251723
Crestron Home Losing Control of Roku using IP
Have you tried the secret menu to see if it will allow you to completely disable wifi or set a static IP to it? Home x 5 > Fast Forward x 1 > Play x 1 > Rewind x 1 > Play x 1 > Fast Forward x 1
Eric Luckart
· #251721
Crestron Home Losing Control of Roku using IP
I have a customer with a Roku being controlled through a Simpl program using the Roku 3 driver (not sure where that came from). It requires an IP address (no place for a MAC address) and I have a DHCP
David H
· #251720
Crestron Home Losing Control of Roku using IP
Have asked Crestron to update the driver to allow the Roku to be accessed by MAC address or Serial Number for years. The Roku driver we wrote allows IP Address/MAC Address/Roku Serial Number to refer
· #250117
Crestron Home Losing Control of Roku using IP
True Blue Support recently received several cases reporting this behavior in CH 3.19, and the issue is being investigated in BR 7977. This thread has been added to BR 7977 for tracking & follow-up. I'
Dave H - Crestron True Blue Tech Support Engineer Since 2014
· #249782
Crestron Home Losing Control of Roku using IP
Do you have a mac reservation for the Roku's IP address in the router? If not that is why. That is the only IP control issue, I have seen with Roku on any platform.
· #249779
Crestron Home Losing Control of Roku using IP
We have a CP4R and use Crestron Home to IP control a Roku Ultra. The app will work fine for any number of days, then no control at all with nothing changed in he setting or anything. The Crestron Home
David Schulz
· #249778
Console command(s) for changing a CRESNET device's Serial Number/TSID
I'm connected to just one dimmer module through my CP4-Rs CRESNET port. And nothing, manually changing its CRESNET ID sadly doesn't do anything, it changes to the one I want, and then when I hit RESCA
David Chramcow
· #249140
Console command(s) for changing a CRESNET device's Serial Number/TSID
I would try one device at a time. Disconnect all of the devices but one. Then try assigning cresnet id's with toolbox.
· #249138
Console command(s) for changing a CRESNET device's Serial Number/TSID
Currently having lots of issues making a CP4-R assign valid cresnet IDs to several GLXX-2DIM8 units. The CP4-R is currently reading all the GLXX-2DIM8 units as the same. Crestron rep told me that he's
David Chramcow
· #249136
Cresnet ID troubles with GLXX-2DIM8 & Crestron Home CP4-R
I had this the other week with HZ keypads and LCX-2DIMU8 modules, i ended up rolling back toolbox to a earlier version that i knew worked before and then had no issues.
peter milton
· #249058
Cresnet ID troubles with GLXX-2DIM8 & Crestron Home CP4-R
Hello guys, hope you're doing great during these rough times with these nightmare ETAs and delays. I'm having a weird issue with a CP4-R processor while configuring several GLXX-2DIM8's for a home aut
David Chramcow
· #249057
DirecTV Streaming Application
Good Morning Kiddies, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I'm cogitating moving from the standard DirecTV control interface to possibly the newer DTV Streaming platform. My concern is about the ava
· #248888
Crestron Home System - Door sensor not showing on UI
Hi David, We have a simple tile that can be used for things like this too. The data sheet explains the setup and you can us
Oliver Hall
· #248410
Crestron Home System - Door sensor not showing on UI
Now that i'm thinking over this again, it was one way only. The tile can act over any actuator (ex make a relay output look like a sprinkler or whatever you want), but not the other way, not to read f
Martin Szmulewicz
· #248408
Crestron Home System - Door sensor not showing on UI
@Martin Thanks for the heads up. I still wouldn't know how to link up a UI Tile with these sensors, is there a procedure online I can read?
David Chramcow
· #248406
Crestron Home System - Door sensor not showing on UI
you can, but you need to use custom tiles. i've used once the tiles from CPLLC and was good. cheers!
Martin Szmulewicz
· #248402
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