Where to bye a good quality and accurate 50 Ohm SMA Load ?
I use a Mini-Circuits ANNE-50L+ good to 12 GHz. I think I got it off eBay but you can buy it direct from Mini-Circuits, Digi-Key or Mouser for about $9 US. Gary W9TD
Від Gary W9TD · #38829 · 12/01/24
Litio battery for Nanovna .... where i buy ?
I just replaced the battery in my nanoVNA-H and I got it from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BDFYZF4H?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1 Gary W9TD
Від Gary W9TD · #37888 · 9/09/24
NanoVNA-H computer connection
Yes, because the vna and usb cable (and you if holding the vna) are part of the antenna. You need to use a common mode choke on the feed line to prevent this, and move the antenna away from you as whe
Від Gary W9TD · #37854 · 9/06/24
Measure input capacitance of a "bare" transistor
Transistor measurement usually is done in a fixture using bias-tees on input and output through which the bias is applied. The NanoVNA is a poor choice for this measurement as it has square wave excit
Від Gary W9TD · #34520 · 11/04/23
output impedance measurement
A simple calculation will give you the optimum load resistance for your amplifier. R=Vcc^2/(2*Po). Use the carrier power and the nominal supply voltage. If there is reactance, that can be compensated
Від Gary W9TD · #34218 · 10/03/23
output impedance measurement
You cannot measure the impedance of a circuit with a signal on it. It will show up on the VNA and distort the readings. Why don't you just use a oscilloscope or rf voltmeter to measure the open-circui
Від Gary W9TD · #34211 · 10/03/23
You should buy from r and l in order to insure a genuine NanoVNA. https://www2.randl.com/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&search_in_description=1&keyword=NanoVNA+ Gary W9TD
Від Gary W9TD · #34170 · 9/28/23
Not available at Ali Express / Zeenko
I had the same problem with Aliexpress not taking my card. I think they view it as stolen or bogus and you need to call them and clear it up (Ha, Ha). I fixed the problem by opening a new account and
Від Gary W9TD · #33873 · 8/26/23
Measuring swr on fan dipole or windom antenna
Steve, The nano is measuring only the cable length, not the antenna plus cable. Gary W9TD
Від Gary W9TD · #33158 · 6/17/23
upgrade firmware
I don't have one, but I think you can check your currently installed version of firmware and it will be obvious. Look in the menu system to display the current firmware version. Gary W9TD
Від Gary W9TD · #31607 · 3/01/23
upgrade firmware
The two are for the Silicon Labs Si5351 or the MS5351 clone. You need to know which is used in your NanoVNA Gary W9TD
Від Gary W9TD · #31603 · 3/01/23
MOSFET as RF on/off switch and how to measure/what to expect
Antonio, I have zero experience with GAN Gary W9TD
Від Gary W9TD · #30753 · 1/01/23
MOSFET as RF on/off switch and how to measure/what to expect
Antonio, The gate resistor allows the FET gate voltage to follow the drain and/or source RF voltage to prevent gate oxide breakdown. It has to be large enough to allow the gate-drain and gate-source c
Від Gary W9TD · #30726 · 12/31/22
MOSFET as RF on/off switch and how to measure/what to expect
MOSFETs as RF switches are ubiquitous in cellular phones. You can never use just one FET as a switch because the gate-source/drain voltage is limited and will cause breakdown which is easy to realize
Від Gary W9TD · #30220 · 11/09/22
Antenna simulation result different from experiment with NanoVNA
EZNEC is now free.
Від Gary W9TD · #29546 · 9/01/22
spreadsheet for importing snp files, Excel 2010
Linear simply means the conversion of dB to linear units. i.e. 10^(dB/10) or maybe 10^(dBV/20) Gary W9TD
Від Gary W9TD · #28282 · 6/04/22
Proper way to measure length of _Window_Line_?
I just threw out some 300 Ohm twin lead that was in a box of wire because it had deteriorated so much that the insulation cracked and pieces of it came off. That’s what happens to it after probably 50
Від Gary W9TD · #26985 · 2/21/22
measuring antennas with NanoVNA
A Butternut vertical has a Q-coil at the base which grounds the antenna so there is no static build up. If you don't have the coil, put one on. It is to help the SWR on 80, I believe. Gary W9TD
Від Gary W9TD · #25492 · 11/10/21
calibration question
Syd, Yes you should calibrate at the end of the cable, not the VNA connectors. solation iswhen a load is attached to both inputs at the same time o r if you have only one load, just to ch1. Only the t
Від Gary W9TD · #23904 · 8/13/21
Use of Outer Conductor on NanoVNA-H4
Andy, You are doing it right as the outer conductor is connected through the nanoVNA. The way I do it though is to mount two SMA jacks on a piece of single-sided PCB and have two short wires with alli
Від Gary W9TD · #23892 · 8/13/21