TDR function?
Great references, thanks!
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38994 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
Don't you have a few little HT antennas you can attach to the VNA to learn the instrument in the comfort of your home?
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38975 ·
Possible easier menu for radio amateurs?
If you buy an instrument, you take time to learn how to use it. SWR is a weak measurement on its own. The Smith Chart is your real best friend. There are many YouTube videos on the instrument and the
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38974 ·
Possible easier menu for radio amateurs?
I don't see it being practical. All those options exist because people do so many different things with the instrument. I for example use the same settings 95% of the time, only the start/stop frequen
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38964 ·
New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
You also need 1 more little kit (about $15 on Amazon) with a 50 ohm load stub and extra F-F barrel connector. The VNA only comes with 1 of each and you need 2 for the LOAD calibration in order to do 2
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38938 ·
New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
They are all "close enough". 90% overlap.
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38928 ·
New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
YouTube is your friend! Start by looking up "nanoVNA calibration" and move on from there. There are dozens of videos on the nanoVNA. When you've had enough of those, there are also many videos explain
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38925 ·
Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
Still, thanks Roger! I've never tried those settings! Didn't understand them..
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38885 ·
Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
I suspect your problem is not your setup (set 2 traces, one to LOGMAG and the other to Smith Chart) but rather your ability to interpret the Smith Chart. Suggest you search YouTube for "Smith chart tu
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38877 ·
What nanoVNA and from Where
Agree with Stan! The higher end models are MUCH more expensive for a few % more accuracy at frequencies over 300MHz. I have an H4 and work with VHF & UHF related equipment. I'm very happy with it. If
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38806 ·
Why so many different names for the firmware .DFU files?
A natural evolution. As a related comment, using Amazon as a relative comparison, the H4 versions are U.S. $60-$90 while the V2 versions (with N connectors or SMA) run $250-$360.
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38530 ·
Why so many different names for the firmware .DFU files?
Nizar & Don... Thanks. As different as they are, both are helpful answers. 👏👏🙏
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38514 ·
Why so many different names for the firmware .DFU files?
Can someone describe the impact of the H4 clock rate on a measurement? An example: I do an S21 test on a 20db attenuator sweeping 401 points from 1 to 900 MHz (the VNA calibrated across this range). T
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38510 ·
Testing NanoVNA H4 power settings
Another experiment. What difference does the NanoVNA CALIBRATE>POWER setting produce in the VNA’s signal level? The Setup: VNA S11 calibrated to start/stop of 50 MHz–90 MHz, 401 sweep points. Traces a
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38459 ·
NanoVNA date & time
Thanks Stan... I knew there had to be a reason 😁😆🙏
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38423 ·
NanoVNA date & time
Nizar.. these are two different devices with entirely different purposes. Suggest you watch some YouTube videos on both and decide on which you need.. or get both! If you are U.S. based Amazon is a so
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38417 ·
NanoVNA date & time
Curious... I set the date & time on my NanoVNA H4, but nothing appears on the screen. When I did this long ago on my TinySA ultra the date & time display in the lower right corner. Am I missing a step
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38415 ·
NanoVNA <---> TinySA ultra
Thanks Stan for that explanation. Very interesting... To you and Dave, I have had the same 30dB external attenuation between the SA and VNA in all these pictures. What varies is that I've told the SA
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38386 ·
NanoVNA <---> TinySA ultra
Ok Stan, you got me! See picture. The marker is on 400MHz. I am seeing signals both above and below the fundamental which is not even the strongest signal. The other signals go in 1/2 harmonic steps (
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38380 ·
NanoVNA <---> TinySA ultra
Hi Stan... I'll try though until now I've not opened the tinySA beyond 800MHz. I should also try the MEASURE>HARMONIC mode instead of looking at the open sweep
Від Matthew Rapaport · #38355 ·