any working NTP servers
It was a 2 series processor that I ended up just upgrading to a 4 series to use the internal NTP.
Brad Wykoff
· #255501
any working NTP servers
I was using the Crestron module "Network Time Sync v1.0" with the default servers and getting errors in text console with debugging enabled.
Brad Wykoff
· #255499
any working NTP servers
Anyone have a working NTP server? I've used "", "" and "" and each are timing out, no response, or too many request.
Brad Wykoff
· #255494
New vs Old Program logic - logic running too many times
change "isProcessing" local variable to a global variable and added a Debounce to the input trigger. So far seems to be working.
Brad Wykoff
· #255325
New vs Old Program logic - logic running too many times
the following Simp+ code is intended to set flags and send a command to console to retrieve data. During the "change Console_Rx$" I have placed several flags to prevent if already processing data, onl
Brad Wykoff
· #255323
Crestron NewOrOld Program module - not accurate
My experience using the Crestron Module - NewOrOldProgram doesn't seem to be accurate in my RMC4. I erased the current program in the processor, rebooted the processor and then uploaded a clean versio
Brad Wykoff
· #255276
Strings from TCP\IP
I changed the Input_String to a Buffer_Input and assigned to a local string variable to append the Buffer_Input String. Plus set the array size to max. Appears to be working.
Brad Wykoff
· #255202
Strings from TCP\IP
After some additional testing, the incoming string isn't properly received within Simpl+ during evaluation of string but if I trigger to get status again then string values are all correct. This is on
Brad Wykoff
· #255183
Strings from TCP\IP
I am watch in both so I can compare. In both the incoming string from TCP/IP is always correct but once that string enters into Simpl+ the string becomes inconsistent. Simpl+ STRING_INPUT IncomingStri
Brad Wykoff
· #255179
Strings from TCP\IP
I am clearing Buffer after processing data string. Running test today I can clearly see data string return on the TCP/IP client side but sending that data string into Simpl+ for evaluation fails. In S
Brad Wykoff
· #255177
Strings from TCP\IP
Using a TCP/IP Ethernet Device connected to a device for control, I can send a request for status update and all seems to be correct on the receive side but if I take same string and place into a Simp
Brad Wykoff
· #255170
Doorbell camera
On Tue, Aug 6, 2024 at 05:46 PM, Nicolas Hallynck wrote Looks like these are using SIP versus using ONVIF which is what I need to interface with NVR.
Brad Wykoff
· #254424
Doorbell camera
I've used the Doorbird in the past but was hoping for something a bit less expensive.
Brad Wykoff
· #254415
Doorbell camera
looking for a doorbell camera with POE, ONVIF, app notification and username/password. Replacing an old Silent Witness camera at door plus hopefully to remove Panasonic Door Station, this would cleanu
Brad Wykoff
· #254413
TV Presets v2.0
Cover was on this emitter but still had issues with being consistent, after replacement with a Crestron emitter and cover I haven't had any issues.
Brad Wykoff
· #254412
TV Presets v2.0
I replaced with a Crestron emitter and removed glue to replace with silicone.
Brad Wykoff
· #254411
80" Display with anti-glare screen
Replacing an old rear projection TV but room is surrounded by windows. Windows do have shades but client never closes them so not to take away from the view of nature. So, looking to replace with an 8
Brad Wykoff
· #254410
TV Presets v2.0
Did some additional troubleshooting and resolved issue yesterday. Replaced IR Emitter and offset Emitter to IR receiver. Numbers don't seem to duplicate any longer. Tested about 15 presets and zero fa
Brad Wykoff
· #254365
TV Presets v2.0
Xfinity cable box. in Debugger I will see IR pulses for 1,0,0,3 but actually what happens is 1,0,0,0,3 at the device.
Brad Wykoff
· #254267
TV Presets v2.0
That is essentially how the TV Presets Channel Control v1.0 works but I know some Crestron modules can be polluted with over programming. I will try to use Simpl logic over the module to accomplish th
Brad Wykoff
· #254236
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