Software for Android
I have three Android phones, one with Android 14, one with 12 and a really old phone with 8. A Android Tablet running version 10. The StmDfuUsb app and the NanoVna web runs ok on all. Just for info. C
Від Clyde Lambert · #38949 ·
Software for Android
Hello, The program I use on my Android phone, tablet or computer running android, is available on the Play Store. It is called, StmDfuUsb. It will load bin, dfu and hex versions of FW. I use it exclus
Від Clyde Lambert · #38935 ·
Why so many different names for the firmware .DFU files?
The H4 will go to 1300Mhz
Від Clyde Lambert · #38774 ·
Tuning a Firestick NGP antenna
Hello, The Firestick NGP is a mobile CB antenna designed to be mounted on a vehicle. That is why it has NO radials. The vehicle is supposed to make up the ground plane, not the coaxial lead. Without k
Від Clyde Lambert · #38556 ·
Why so many different names for the firmware .DFU files?
Hello group, Can I ask what all this has to do with the ORIGINAL QUESTION?? "Why so many different names for the firmware .DFU files?" I love how so many people seem to enjoy HIGHJACKING a subject. At
Від Clyde Lambert · #38527 ·
NanoVNA-H4 turns off after one second
Hello Dave, I purchased an AMES Thermal Camera at Harbor Freight. Refer to photos. There are also thermal cameras advertised at AliExpress in China. These are sandwiched types, no case, but are still
Від Clyde Lambert · #38490 ·
Changing size of the NanoVNA screen
First, which NanoVNA are you asking about? There are several different designs of the NanoVNA. Each may differ in hardware designs, that may require a specific display driver components as well as vol
Від Clyde Lambert · #38448 ·
NanoVNA date & time
Jim, If you check the TinySA group WiKi, you will find TWO approved vendors on Amazon for the TinySA and Ultra or TinySA4. They are SeeSii and AURSINC. As far as the NanoVNA H and H4, R&L Electronics,
Від Clyde Lambert · #38426 ·
I guess VERY carefully? And maybe more than one pair in a mosaic pattern. Clyde
Від Clyde Lambert · #38411 ·
Hello, This has been discussed several times before. If you resurch past posts, you will fine that " SUN SHADES" made for digital cameras and displays, anti glare screen savers for cellphones and tabl
Від Clyde Lambert · #38408 ·
NanoVNA H4 SD Card Usage
Sorry but the Max size of SDCard is 32G not 32M. "Max size is 32M. I bought a pack of 5 inexpensive 16GB Patriot cards from Amazon, and they work fine." Clyde KC7BJE
Від Clyde Lambert · #38071 ·
VNA bricked.
His original post for white screen stated his was the H model not h4. Here is his quoted part; "I tried an update and the VNA just went white screen. It was a H version so decided to do an update to k
Від Clyde Lambert · #38011 ·
VNA bricked.
NanoVNA H WHITE SCREEN RECOVERY First, this procedure is for white screen recovery due to installing the wrong FW, which is one of the main causes of white screen. 1. Turn nva off. 2. Remove back of c
Від Clyde Lambert · #38002 ·
VNA bricked.
Hello William, If you check the file section, you will find a step by step guide I uploaded on how to recover the NanoVNA H from white screen. No, you did not brick your H. It is in a boot loop. Eithe
Від Clyde Lambert · #38000 ·
The ultimate nanoVNA-H4 case?
Hello all, I use a Harbor Freight Apache Case mdl 1800 for both my Nanovna H4 and TinySA plus calibration kit, adapters and misc. leads. Sorry for the shaky writing on photos, but at 80yrs, I do my be
Від Clyde Lambert · #37878 ·
NanoVNA H4 and sd card
Hello Phil, I purchased 5 different 32G cards from AliExpress and all 5, each different mfg., worked with my NanoVNAs H & H4 also in my TinySA. The one I now use is marked with a label showing BART SI
Від Clyde Lambert · #37791 ·
Nano VNA Firmware Upgrade
"These things can't be bricked, in the worst case scenario you would need a $2 ST Link clone to flash the firmware". Your answer above is not necessarily correct. I purchased a knock-off and tryed to
Від Clyde Lambert · #37741 ·
Nano VNA Firmware Upgrade
Hello, If you have access to a Android phone or tablet, there is a app on the Play Store "StmDfuUsb" that makes updating the FW on a NanoVNA or TinySA super easy. NO problems with drivers or computers
Від Clyde Lambert · #37740 ·
NanoVNA H4 and sd card
If one reads the Wiki they will find the correct SD Card format is fat32. There is also several Utube videos showing the process. It has also been discussed that not ALL, SD Cards will work, and sever
Від Clyde Lambert · #37704 ·
Marker: frequency rounded to nearest mhz
Hello, The number of points in the measurements depends on which NanoVNA you have. The H4 will go up to 401 pionts. The only problem is, the more points, the slower the scan rate. Clyde KC7BJE
Від Clyde Lambert · #37676 ·