Electron Spin Resonance Studies using the Nano VNA
There is no way that I know of to do this, an amplifier is a one-way path. The gain and reverse isolation of the amplifier would not allow a useable reflected signal to flow back to the VNA to be meas
Donald S Brant Jr
· #35059
Electron Spin Resonance Studies using the Nano VNA
Can't that be calibrated out in advance using attenuators.
· #35056
Electron Spin Resonance Studies using the Nano VNA
Putting an amplifier after the VNA port 1 would result in measuring the S11 of the amplifier not the resonator. AFAIK to do this kind of measurement with an amplifier would require access to the inter
Donald S Brant Jr
· #35050
Electron Spin Resonance Studies using the Nano VNA
Proposed VNA electron-spin probe... Use the NanoVNA's S11 measurement mode to probe a high-Q resonator enclosing sample material. NanoVNA generates the RF, and also detects the RF signal. When electro
Glen Leinweber
· #35043
Electron Spin Resonance Studies using the Nano VNA
Yes the DC field is just the standard Helmholtz coil. Cavity design and impédance matching with a nanovna or Robinson oscillator set up? https://youtu.be/OnYT6L6XdIg?si=pcRqlWsurSd3Hrps
· #35041
Electron Spin Resonance Studies using the Nano VNA
Interesting app, similar to a grid-dip type app, where a LC resonator is probed. I'd imagine a high-Q external resonator would be needed. With 50-ohm source and 50-ohm load, high loaded resonator Q is
Glen Leinweber
· #35024
Electron Spin Resonance Studies using the Nano VNA
Has anybody tried using their nanovna to do ( ESR) election spin résonance experiments?
· #35014
[H4] Measurement interference at 585.018 MHz
I took a closer look and there are more of these interferences. They are very narrowband. If the measuring point falls farther than the filter band, they are not there. It has nothing to do with the D
· #24709
[H4] Measurement interference at 585.018 MHz
Nano's have very narrow downconversion bandwidth so not too vunerable. But, do you happen to have a UHF TV ch 33 transmitter nearby.
· #24656
[H4] Measurement interference at 585.018 MHz
Hello Group. I have a question about the origin of the interference on the frequency 585.018MHz. Is it possible to do something about it, for example by adding a capacitor somewhere on the PCB, replac
· #24634
#learning #noise
Thanks, Zack! Very interesting. I shall have to listen for them. Thank you! Dave
· #20402
#learning #noise
The 13 MHz beacons are legal under Part 15. They only run a couple milliwatts. https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2011-title47-vol1/pdf/CFR-2011-title47-vol1-sec15-225.pdf W1TAG has calculated that the
Zack Widup
· #20401
#learning #noise
Not so: §18.305 Field strength limits. (a) ISM equipment operating on a frequency specified in §18.301 is permitted **unlimited radiated energy** in the band specified for that frequency. (Emphasis mi
Jim Allyn - N7JA
· #20400
#learning #noise
Yes, RFID uses the 13.56 MHz ISM band (yes, I've worked professionally there, as well....), but energy is closely coupled only inductively - NOT in a radiative manner. Some 'uninitiated' engineers cal
· #20398
#learning #noise
It is legal to run an unlicensed transmitter on 13.56, as long as the power is low enough (i.e. meets Part 15). A few mW is typical, and as sunspots heat up, you could "work the world" with suitable m
Jim Lux
· #20393
#learning #noise
What the dickens are "Squarers"? I'll confess the ISM bands are a good place to hide possibly illegal and unlicensed emissions. However, as a licensed ham for some 61 years and worked professionally i
· #20392
#learning #noise
RFID uses 13.56 MHz with radiated fields (limited, it's true), but all those "near field communications" things are also 13.56 (Subway cards, cashless payments, etc.). If you're making a "long range"
Jim Lux
· #20390
#learning #noise
Probably has nothing to do with his use, but 13.56 MHz and surrounding frequencies on shortwave are the homes of many unlicensed CW beacons. Many are "squarers." Zack W9SZ <http://www.avg.com/email-si
Zack Widup
· #20388
#learning #noise
13.56 MHz is an ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) frequency. There are 7 frequencies allocated by the FCC for that purpose in that specific ISM band - in a NON_RADIATIVE MANNER. Why are you co
· #20387
#learning #noise
It isn't clear to me what the situation is here. Do you mean you have an antenna connected to a 13.56 MHz signal coming from a signal generator or transmitter of some sort, and you wish to transmit th
Jim Allyn - N7JA
· #20386
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