sdnc-camftThis group is for members of The San Diego North County Chapter of CAMFT to collaborate together, share information and events, and network. SDNC CAMFT is a non-profit professional organization dedicated to maintaining the high ethical standards and skills of our members, while serving the mental health needs of our community through networking, professional development and community involvement.Створено:
3 Члени,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
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bookgroupthe new oidbc groupСтворено:
13 Members,
5 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
ASISTASLWG / ASISTA State and Local Working GroupASISTA State and Local Working Group (SLWG) is made up of members across the country that discuss what they're seeing at the state and local level, to share their experiences and to collaborate on strategies and advocacy that will benefit immigrant survivors. Mission Statement: "To advance path to safety for immigrant survivors through state and local policy, advocacy, and coalition bui...Створено:
12 Members,
0 Topics,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
SurreypeernetworkAn email forum for autistic adults in Surrey to share information about activities, latest news and opinions.Створено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
FlauntYourAblityThis is the community group for Cheeky Tees for Those Daring Enough to be Human.Створено:
3 Члени,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
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adrian-modemGSR, D25 ,A30 DOU review, discussion and editingСтворено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
Private Archive,
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| on sähköpostiryhmä, joka on tarkoitettu kotimaisista kilpailuista tiedottamiseen ja niistä keskustelemiseen. Ryhmässä pyritään: - jakamaan SM-sarjan ja kotimaisten kilpailuiden säännöt hyvissä ajoin, - kertomaan kilpailuiden tuloksista niiden valmistuttua, - kertomaan SM-sarjan tilanteesta mutta - ennen kaikkea myös keskustelemaan kotimaisista kilpailuista j...Створено:
17 Members,
3 Теми,
Public Archive,
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DoublesquirrelgamesOi EEEEEСтворено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
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AzureTivoliDropAzure Standard is a natural health food distributor that delivers bulk food items to communities around the country on a monthly basis. This list-serv is for members of the Tivoli NY Drop to use to be in touch with fellow members and for the drop coordinator to send messages to the group. Thank you for your participation. Thank you to Stewart for facilitating this list-serv!Створено:
14 Members,
3 Теми,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
yosemiteareacoalition4democracy / Yosemite Area Coalition for Democracy / Progressive MariposaThe Yosemite Area Coalition for Democracy is a group created and hosted by Progressive Mariposa, an Indivisible Group, based in Mariposa County, California. Both groups are meant to be open and inclusive to all individuals and groups interested in pursuing and defending Democracy during Trump 2.0 and beyond, regardless of geographic location or even of political party or ideation. Members seek...Створено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
calcistellerLlista de correu per la col·lectivització de cal Cisteller (Font-rubí, Penedès)Створено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
aprsfoundationAPRS Foundation Inc. is dedicated to preserving and advancing the Automatic Packet Reporting System* (APRS) digital communications protocol. Effective December 2024, this is the official APRS Foundation mailing list. We will no longer use aprssig or APRS on for official messaging.Створено:
150 Members,
3 Теми,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
DLH-MeshThis group is for any licensed Amateur Radio operators interested in the AREDN Mesh Network in the Duluth MN (DLH) area. The main group is for general information, and there are sub-groups for Admin, Help Desk and others.Створено:
14 Members,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
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sevnGroup about SEVNСтворено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
sevnusersMailing list of the SEVN users. SEVN users can use this mailing list to ask for suggestions or find help with various aspects of the SEVN code.Створено:
12 Members,
1 Тема,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
Ring219The members of Lafayette, IN magic club 219, also known as the Bob Hurt/Ron London Ring of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.Створено:
4 Члени,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IT213-2425-2The official course group for IT 213, 2nd semester A.Y. 2024-2025 under Daine Daling.Створено:
18 Members,
1 Тема,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
mma / MMA User GroupA gathering place for users of the popular MMA -- Musical MIDI Accompaniment program.Створено:
3 Члени,
2 Теми,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
TalkingTVA group specially designed for the blind and low vision community to discuss accessible smart televisions, streaming devices, and similar technology including but not exclusively Roku, Apple TV, Fire Stick, and beyond. If it talks and you can watch or Stream TV it belongs here. This list will not be discussing anything relating to illegally downloading material. violators will be banned without no...Створено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
llnLeaven Leavenworth Natural. The area we live in is beautiful and we have chosen it for its natural beauty and dark skies. We do not believe our landscape needs the adornments of man-made effigies marring the otherwise natural beauty.Створено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
81 - 100 з 41672