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Larry Macionski
· #38837
What nanoVNA and from Where
Pedro- That's a great Christmas gift... I t is amazing what is packed in that little box.. Since so many hams in the USA read this blog, and if you were in the USA, I would recommend R & L Electronics
Larry Macionski
· #38813
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
Using a NanoVNA or a MFJ 259 either is the source of the RF... whereas using a transmitter then a short length of coax to a SWR bridge, changes the length of the source of RF to the antenna.. Larry W8
Larry Macionski
· #38561
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
Here's the deal.... NanoVNA is very excellent and has complex abilities. It operates over a wide range of Frequencies and will test or can be used for developing devices besides Antenna.s However it r
Larry Macionski
· #37123
SWR and Return Loss graph of an EFHW wire with 49 to 1 UNUN
A SWR meter is a relatively new thing.. Actually a RF amp meter- a thermal couple device was used prior.. if you were a rich ham- If you were poor like I was you'd use something like a #47 light bulb
Larry Macionski
· #36249
Dave- I may be missing something... my thinking is a 49:1 autotransformer should be 50 to 2450 ohms.... you terminate with a 4.7K ohm resistor, and your SWR plot is basically 6,4mhz up is 2.0 SWR to 1
Larry Macionski
· #36230
Tuning UP Duplexors
Regarding getting to 100dB dynamic range.. I bought and used one of those 20-30 dB broad band low noise pre-amps you can buy on ebay for under $10... Place it in line when tuning the notch, tune for m
Larry Macionski
· #36000
Analysis of Multi element Dipole antenna with nanoVNA
Any metal object within 1/2- 1 wavelength of an antenna will effect it. In free space a dipole has an impedance of about 73 ohms. --caveat- if it is a flat top. if for instance, you start changing it
Larry Macionski
· #35467
Nanovna-h4 frequency off by 40khz
Did you verify the NanoVNA against WWV???? Mine is 1.25kc off.. close enough for amateur work..
Larry Macionski
· #35415
TinySA - Up to 5GHz (Wi-Fi) & $140
DITTO's I bought mine there and many more items (NanoVNA-H4 +). I've even been to the store. I live in Kansas and detoured one Christmas having visited family out East. Larry W8LM
Larry Macionski
· #32039
TinySA - Up to 5GHz (Wi-Fi) & $140
QUESTION TO ALL BUYERS OF THIS "EBAY" 5GHZ "Tiny SA"- apparent new flavor of the month. Is it hardware alone that makes it run up just beyond 5Ghz.? and Will it take any of the TinySA Ultra stock firm
Larry Macionski
· #32020
Is Nano VNA Dead?
After checking the charger-cable via another device such as a smart phone. to detect charger is working.. The nicad could be depleated to where the CPU will not boot. Put it on the charger for 3-4-6 h
Larry Macionski
· #32000
NanaVNA H4 battery indicator shows full but unit powers off after a minute
If you look at a graph of voltage versus discharge time, you will see a knee where the voltage drops quickly just before the battery is fully depleted. If you want to test battery performance read my
Larry Macionski
· #29196
Using Nanovna to detect an underground broken power wire
I had a lightening hit.. (125 feet of wire to the barn) only mine was direct bury triplex and the neutral was gone.. So lights worked but the door opener would vary from 83 volts to 154v and sometimes
Larry Macionski
· #27596
Coax loss RG8 vs RG8X
Tandy made notoriously crappy RG8U for the CB people. Later on they also made some "better stuff" but not Belden quality. If you want to verify the RS crapola RG8... slit a piece open..Then remove the
Larry Macionski
· #25551
Stripping Coax
ALL- I never saved the link and I looked at Banggood.com and do not see any like the ones I had. Frankly that purchase was pre-pandemic and Banggood is like Amazon.. A collaboration of individual sell
Larry Macionski
· #24878
Stripping Coax
I have bought strip tools from Banggood.com instead of Ham Radio Outlet. Granted they take 3-4 weeks but they were like $1.65 USD.. I always order multiples as if ordering one and waiting a month it's
Larry Macionski
· #24864
NanoVNA measurement of an EFHW Transformer
Roger- In the graph you supplied, The difference seems to be 1/4 dB approximate. Am I correct? If so isn't that "close enough" for Amateur work? After all the transformer is but one component of the e
Larry Macionski
· #21360
*Dave - WØLEV* The ARRL Antenna Handbook ladder line nomograph that shows spacing versus wire size I have been seeing in ARRL publications for the last 55 years licensed. I agree it does not take into
Larry Macionski
· #21145
Darwin here in REALVILLE - 430 ohms when 450 is specified 4% off 440 ohms when 450 is specified 2% off Your calculated Zc of 308 and 318 is 3% repeatability. yet not "close" to assumed normal impedanc
Larry Macionski
· #21029
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