Separate from .CKT for .lib file
Thank you very much for your help. Chances are good that the photodiode part is smaller, so it might be easier to single it out. It might be as simple as one line in the model file, or it could be doz
Від Mirza · #157013 ·
Separate from .CKT for .lib file
Thank you very much for your advice. Because of NDA with the company I got the file, it is difficult for me to upload the file. Can I find any example where the lib file is separated according to the
Від Mirza · #156985 ·
Separate from .CKT for .lib file
Thank you very much for your comments. Actually because of NDA with the company I received the file, I can not upload the lib file. Can I find any example where the lib file is separated according to
Від Mirza · #156984 ·
Separate from .CKT for .lib file
Hi I got a .CKT file and .lib file of photodiode and transimpedance amplifier. I know how to make spice model from these files. However, I want to separate transimpedance amplifier part from the .CKT
Від Mirza · #156912 ·
S-parameters in LTspice
Thank you very much for your help. According to your comments, "When you ran the S-parameter-to-SPICE conversion program, what you got was the SPICE model.", Yes, when I run the S-parameter-to-SPICE c
Від Mirza · #154529 ·
S-parameters in LTspice
Actually I got s parameter files for a transimpedance amplifier. What I did so far is, I converted this s parameter file to .lib file by running that exe converter in command prompt. Later I generated
Від Mirza · #154479 ·
S-parameters in LTspice
I have a question regarding this. If we have s parameter of a component (op amp as example), if we can convert it to spice model , can it work as am op amp in spice simulation? In that case, can we ad
Від Mirza · #154180 ·
Build spice model of transimpedance amplifier
* OPA855 - Rev. A * Created by Sean Cashin; 2020-06-04 * Created with Green-Williams-Lis Current Sense Amp Macro-model Architecture * Copyright 2020 by Texas Instruments Corporation OPA855 does not me
Від Mirza · #153787 ·
Build spice model of transimpedance amplifier
On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 09:49 PM, Andy I wrote: Mirza, I'm assuming that you want an actual purpose-built transimpedance amplifier, one that has everything in it already. Right? They are considerably
Від Mirza · #153784 ·
Build spice model of transimpedance amplifier
Yeah I know that LTspice has several op amps. Probably all are from Analog Devices, right? I contacted some manufacturers and they replied that they do not have SPICE models. Thank you very much.
Від Mirza · #153768 ·
Build spice model of transimpedance amplifier
I want to build spice models of high speed transimpedance amplifier. There are many op amps in LTspice simulation. However, I am looking for very high speed TIAs from other manufacturers. They have ma
Від Mirza · #153765 ·
Circuit stability in LTspice
Thank you very much for nice explanation.
Від Mirza · #149311 ·
Circuit stability in LTspice
Thank you very much for the nice explanation. So I came to know that the LTspcie results do not show phase margin. It is phase response and I need to add 180 degree with this to get phase margin. For
Від Mirza · #149310 ·
Circuit stability in LTspice
Thank you so much for your nice explanation. Thus less than 0 degree phase margin represents oscillating (instability)? i need to consider 180 degree (plus or minus? ) with that phase appear in LTspci
Від Mirza · #149309 ·
Circuit stability in LTspice
Hi, I would like to know how to know how to determine circuit stability in LTspice. I found some docs said that one of the simplest ways way to determine the circuit stability is that by applying an a
Від Mirza · #149292 ·
Built-in filters
Highly appreciated. Thank you so much for the valuable advice.
Від Mirza · #149105 ·
Built-in filters
Thank you so much for the nice explanation. It is really helpful I have learned a lot.
Від Mirza · #149100 ·
Built-in filters
On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 06:40 PM, Bonkers wrote: behavioural type Thank you. behavioral type.
Від Mirza · #149082 ·
Built-in filters
On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 06:54 PM, Tony Casey wrote: 2ndOrderAllpass Thank you so much. really helpful.
Від Mirza · #149081 ·
Built-in filters
Hi Is there built in band pass , low pass, high pass filters in LTspcie like in Pspice? I am looking for built in filters (not making RC based filters). Thanks in advance.
Від Mirza · #149076 ·