Setting Stop Frequency to 1500 MHz on NanoVNA-H 3.4
If it already Has the firmware needed for tunning above 1.5GHz, that would be nice... I know the V2 or LiteVNA are better for those frequencies, but this should get me started...
· #38331
Setting Stop Frequency to 1500 MHz on NanoVNA-H 3.4
Yes. It may already have the needed firmware. But note that the extended range above 900MHz has a much lower dynamic range. If you really need to do a lot of work at above 1GHz, you should consider ge
Stan Dye
· #38329
Setting Stop Frequency to 1500 MHz on NanoVNA-H 3.4
Hey, i know its been a while, but would that firmware work for this unit? (To extend its range a bit...) Hopefully links are fine...
· #38327
re NanoVNA-H
See the Absolute Beginners Guide in the Files section of this group. Roger
Roger Need
· #31894
re NanoVNA-H
Hi again. Can you help me with this: I have set stimulus for resonance, between a set of frequencies, and it works ok, but, I am getting confused how to save it, after switching of !
· #31893
re NanoVNA-H
Thanks. In some instances I may need a standalone, like tuning an antenna, traps , end z etc . Much appreciated
· #31892
re NanoVNA-H
You should not need a special driver for Windows 10 to use this nanovna with NanoVNA-Saver or NanoVNA-app software on your computer. Windows normally will automatically load a default driver that work
Stan Dye
· #31880
re NanoVNA-H
Can someone point me to the proper windows 10 software and driver to this version, please ? And, do I have the latest firmware version ? Thanks NanoVNA-H HW 3.5_LS_MS Based on DISLord edy555 Version 1
· #31879
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
Carsten, my experience is all antennas, even those off the shelf one, need some finetuning. 1. Tuning - I would recommend the minimal height for tuning purposes is 3-4m over the ground at the end of t
· #28445
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
@igor-m The summerhouse is in Sweden (900m2 Lot) , near Halmstad (outskirt of city). There can be both thunder & high winds (30m/s, when ugly) I was thinking of hammering 2 x 3M groundrods down , and
Carsten F (OZ1FTG)
· #28441
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
@Carsten: Lightning and Static: in the EFHW antenna with the transformer the antenna wire itself is grounded through the secondary and the coax via primary windings (a short for static). Your system h
· #28440
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
@Carsten: welcome to the club.. EFHW antennas: I built several and I've been helping local OMs with building and measurements. The first step is to acquire an off the shelf one or to build DIY the EFH
· #28438
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
there were NEVER any v2plus4 clones.. so you will get a genuine one (i would now maybe buy a lite vna that goes up to over 6ghz but is a similar design as the vna v2 or v2plus4) the nanovna v2 has an
Siegfried Jackstien
· #28437
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
@All Thank you for the valuable input. @Roger , for the nice links to schematic & More specific groups. @gfmucci for the "Static warning" @Jim & Zack for the "Don't connect the FT-991A directly to the
Carsten F (OZ1FTG)
· #28435
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
And as far as static goes: Remember that any coax is, by design, low loss and can store a sizable amount of energy as a cylindrical capacitor. So, I always make a practice of "shorting" any coax I con
· #28434
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
I have been really careful about estimating power out of an amp. I have an HP 435B power meter with an 8484A head. Maximum power to the head is supposed to be 10 microwatts (-20 dBm). I carefully calc
Zack Widup
· #28433
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
The second most likely is "transmitting into it", or, more properly, making S21 measurements on a small amplifier that has output power bigger than the VNA can take. That 20dB gain block, driven with
Jim Lux
· #28432
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
"What is the most likely way that beginners kill their VNA ?" Static buildup especially in dry climates. I had one DOA and the vendor said static buildup killed it.
· #28431
New to NanoVNA - HAM wanting to play w. antennas
Carsten, Here is a link to the manufacturers Web site for your NanoVNA 2 Plus 4 Firmware, instruction manuals and PC software available there. There are two groups
Roger Need
· #28430
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