Crestron Go on iOS, any way to keep connection active
We desperately need to have a fix for this connection times are getting slower and slower. many customers now increasingly frustrated with connection times by the time they wake the app up to pause so
· #255546
2N IP Verso 2.0 door station + TSW panels
Hi all been using 2n Verso on TSW xx60 TSWxx70 for a few years now and have not had any problems there is an OLH Article (Can't remember number) that explains the RAVA setup that doesn't require any S
· #254657
D3Pro: Program Generated Incomplete
so thought I would update to the current Data Base today and give this another go still same issue so i suppose back to DevDB to 200.295.001 Any news on fix?
· #252984
D3Pro: Program Generated Incomplete
Hi All Happy New Year was this ever resolved? or do we still need to stay on old Data base? Thanks
· #252151
D3Pro: Program Generated Incomplete
Yes the project I had trouble with had gen 1 Horizons in it.
· #251475
D3Pro: Program Generated Incomplete
Hi All I updated yesterday to the Current Device Database 200.305.001.00 and can confirm it broke D3Pro. got to site this morning to load a project I worked on over the weekend and got the error Progr
· #251399
Apple TV Select Button
Thanks so much Alex
· #251388
Duplicating UI programming workflow in Simpl - Issues with CRPC Smart Graphics
Caught me out so often as I mainly do residential with multiple UI's my steps are Duplicate UI Device Programing Delete Folder for Second UI If already in the Program Then Copy the UI Folder as well t
· #249469
Crestron GO and iOS 16.x
Sorry. Now are questioning..... I should read what I type
· #249369
Crestron GO and iOS 16.x
And still we wait Any further news on this? I know have many clients who know are question the value of a single app.
· #249368
Crestron GO and iOS 16.x
Hi All I assume from the radio silence that no one has heard any more news on The IOS thing? It's driving us nuts
· #248865
Toolbox (Latest Version Bug)
Hi John I have the same problem trying to change some duplicate ID's on a new job Anyone seen or had a fix for this?
· #247702
Multi-zone mini-split HVAC integration
Hi Jay, Another Tick for Cool Automation revised module works great.
· #247308
Yamaha CX-A5100 Programming Doc or Module
Thanks so much for posting that I copied the umc into my User Macro folder but its not showing up in simpl as a user module probably having a dumb moment (Too many Christmas wines) thanks again for yo
· #238881
Yamaha CX-A5100 Programming Doc or Module
Problem with the 3010 module is there is no volume level feedback only txt does anyone have a working module for this with volume level? thanks in advance
· #238835
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