CABGHeartBypassSupportWe are a "cabbage patch" group of heart bypass patients, and their families and their friends and relations who try to lend support to each other. We also share our experiences with those facing bypass surgery. Caregivers and family members are very welcome to our group. They also need to recover from bypass surgery, but in a different way. We attempt to search out, and then share ...Створено:
7 Members,
7 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
cabinfever / Lake of the Ozarks Cabin Fever Quilt GuildThis is a Private group for Lake of the Ozarks Cabin Fever Quilt Guild members only. Founded in 1987, the Cabin Fever Quilt Guild purposes are to: 1-instruct members and the community in the techniques and art of quilting; 2-preserve the heritage of quilting; 3- encourage high standards of quilt making; & 4-be a source of information, inspiration, and support Our Guild takes pride in giving b...Створено:
14 Members,
1 383 Теми,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
cabinjohn / Cabin JohnThis is an informal community listserv for those who live in and around Cabin John, MD. It is to be used for questions, lost pets, vendor recommendations etc. Our purpose is to have information/discussion that is hyperlocal to Cabin John and non-commercial/non-political. Folks who want to advertise, may want to consider using The Village News, the monthly print newsletter that is mailed to all 750...Створено:
283 Члени,
765 Topics,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
CabinScooters / Cabin ScootersExpected to be a low traffic group -- a transfer of the CabinScooters group from For the discussion of three wheel motorized vehicles.Створено:
17 Members,
6 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
CABLCABL is a APBA leaguesСтворено:
12 Members,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
cabletvcutterscord cuttersСтворено:
1 Учасник,
2 Теми,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
CaboosePrivate mailing for the docents at the Truckee Donner Railroad Society (TDRRS) museum. May be expanded to include TDRRS members that are interested in railroad history but are not docents.Створено:
7 Members,
10 Topics,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
cabrillo-retireesThe Cabrillo College Foundation listserv for Cabrillo College retirees.Створено:
288 Members,
65 Topics,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
Cabrini2030sThis is a group of members of St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church who are in our 20s and 30s. The purpose of the group is to organize occasional events and activities that help us get to know one another, build community, and grow as members of our faith community.Створено:
20 Members,
18 Topics,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
CABSGamersOfficial Newsgroup for the Columbus Area Boardgaming Society, Columbus, Ohio.Створено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
cac-commsLocal communication for zoomСтворено:
0 Members,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
cacarcThis group provides the primary communications between members of the Capitol Area Council Amateur Radio Club. CAC ARC consists of Scout and Scouter amateur radio operators in the Capitol Area Council, and supports council activities through amateur radio.Створено:
14 Members,
20 Topics,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
CACCA / Chicago Area Camera Clubs AssociationChicago Area Camera Clubs Association: A network of local camera clubs in the Chicago, Illinois area.Створено:
160 Members,
1,539 Topics,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
CACCApresidents / CACCA Club Presidentsfor CACCA camera club presidents only.Створено:
21 Учасник,
8 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
CACCCCThis is a group for the California Cookie Cutter Collectors' Club.Створено:
3 Члени,
1 Тема,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
CACFColonial Annapolis Cat Fanciers, Inc. (CACF), is a Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) affiliated local club in the Baltimore, MD metropolitan area. Our members come from all parts of the region, from Reston, VA to Baltimore, MD, from Capitol Hill in the District to Gaithersburg, MD and Spring Hill, FL. Our common bonds are breeding, exhibiting, and simply enjoying our feline friends. This group is ...Створено:
10 Members,
439 Topics,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
CAchartersA forum for charter school leaders to share information about how to re-open their schools safely in light of the COVID crisis. Topics may include how and where to source products and services, sharing of operational practices, sharing of relevant news, etc.Створено:
22 Члени,
3 Теми,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
cachecert / CERT of Cache County UtahThis group is intended for those interested in the CERT programs within Cache County, Utah. The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training lear...Створено:
59 Members,
4 Теми,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
CacklesNCandies / CacklesNCandiesHello and Welcome To Cackles and Candies We will be sharing a wide variety of things from A to Z Cute Halloween, fantasy, mild goth, and everything cute and colorful! This is not a seasonal group, we share all holidays and those days that we just need something adorable to brighten up our days. We are rated G-PG We do ask that you do not use Incredimail or stats when posting to the group. Tell y...Створено:
3 Члени,
4 203 Теми,
Private Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
caclassof1968 / Canandaigua Class of 1968 Email GroupCanandaigua Academy Class of 1968 - Email Group This group makes it easy to stay in contact with class members and friends of our class.Створено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
61 - 80 з 3598