
SWR begins with .3 instead of 1.0 3 повідомлення
The lower scale setting was it. Thank you!
Від Dean ·
Correct button
Hello all I know this was on an earlier thread, but I was wondering what the purpose of the correct button. When toggled, it shows two different results of an SWR reading for same band. I was just won
Від Willie Burson ·
info A test fixture for common-mode current chokes AKA 1:1 baluns 5 повідомлення
I took the easy way out... and used a clamp on RF ammeter to measure CM current.
Від Jim VE7RF ·
A test fixture for common-mode current chokes AKA 1:1 baluns 10 повідомлення
You don't need those resistors! Never......NEVER......trust YouToob presentations from amateurs. A few are good but many are just poor in technical content and execution. With the "ugly balun" which i
Від W0LEV ·
#measurement - Torroid 21 повідомлення
** It is a French expression to indicate that there are a multitude of unbalanced / unbalanced impedance matching solutions. Already the expected transformation ratio will have major consequences. Thi
Від François ·
Tdr physical coax length and VF
I take a known length of the coax of the same physical batch and do a TDR and see what the measurement is and physically measure the sample coax and then can change the velocity factor to equal the ph
Від K8HTB ·
Markers keep changing during sweep, cutoff errors 6 повідомлення
I'm not sure if this is related to your application issue, but when I do sweeps of my impedance transformers and antennas I noticed that the markers change from what I manually set to whatever is the
Від Stephen W9SK ·
Pitfalls of measuring components with the NanoVNA 125 повідомлення
W1RS, yes I remember the slotted line from Lowry AFB PMEL school late '60s. The HP 715 klystron power supply, and modulator. the HP 430C power meter with bolometer mount, you had to bias it, make sure
Від wb7ond ·
#measurement 8 повідомлення
If you would take your existing board and use a sharp knife to remove the excess copper you might get a better result, or at least see what changes occur. Trimming the connector pins back will also he
Від Donald S Brant Jr ·
How to measure induced coupling RF between two antennas 10 повідомлення
One seldom achieves the "advertised" or modeled pattern, especially at HF frequencies. VHF, UHF, and µwaves are whole different stories. HF patterns rarely conform to expected results except for insta
Від W0LEV ·
NanoVNA - Component Measurement Errors 2 повідомлення
Good work Roger! I spoke with Brian on the phone myself a while back and he was able to very clearly and succinctly convey his thoughts on this matter. I concur with your writings here fully :-) Thank
Від Gregg Messenger VE6WGM ·
Using NanoVNA to measure receive antenna port impedance 19 повідомлення
Great, thanks!
Від ... ·
Issues measuring over 280Mhz, harmonics mode. 2 повідомлення
Check THRESHOLD value in config-expert settings, Must be 300MHz But better reset config anyway, also in expert settings
Від DiSlord ·
#measurement #xtals #test-jig #applications #nanovna
Suggestion for a pass/fail test jig of the bandpass width and ripple of crystal filters and other components.
Від Marcos Barros ·
Folks, I know that EZNEC has been used by a number of NanoVNA forum members for antenna simulation - BUT as of January 2022, the PRO/2 version will be free as the author of the application is retiring
Від Larry Rothman ·
Measuring amplifier gain with a NanoVNA 4 повідомлення
Not just amplifier compression but compression or even possible damage to the receiver port due to excessive power. 73, Don N2VGU.
Від Donald S Brant Jr ·
NanoVNA Output Power Level 20 повідомлення
I had another quick look and I think my analyser is capturing a brief (120us wide, -10dBm level) spurious output event at 32MHz on this sweep. However, sometimes it captures the real 32MHz hop and it
Від jmr ·
#measurement Problems for reading SWR, Graph always mooves ! 18 повідомлення
That's a great idea to mark it... I have a few telescopic antenna's I use on scanners, and always just guesstimate.
Від Chris K2STP ·
nanoVNA - Measuring Inductors and Capacitors (Vers. 3) 7 повідомлення
Was just over reading Roger’s excellent thread on using a VNA to examine discrete components. I figured I should be clear with everyone that the method I presented below is not and was never intended
Від Gregg Messenger VE6WGM ·
nanoVNA - Measuring the resonant frequency of a crystal
A video I did up last summer on how to use the nanoVNA to measure the resonant frequency of crystals. The intended audience is those who are not wanting a complete and exhaustive characterization of c
Від Gregg Messenger VE6WGM ·