
Keep It Simple Guide??
Thanks guys, I have seen this and most. I am looking for something similar to the chart, but forevery, specific functions. Its impossible for me to keep all test procedures on my mind. Want a quick sp
Від Observer · #30919 ·
Keep It Simple Guide??
as Stan has pointed out :- The Absolute Beginners Guide is where to start. Lots of learning for you to do - have fun..
Від Jon-G0MYW · #30918 ·
Keep It Simple Guide??
Try https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/files/Absolute%20Beginner%20Guide%20to%20The%20NanoVNA Also try the wiki for this group https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/wiki And the many youtube videos users h
Від Stan Dye · #30917 ·
Keep It Simple Guide??
Any , really simplified, no frills, no technical details, short form mini users manual ??????
Від Observer · #30916 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
Thank you Igor and Dislord. I just acquired a new NanoVNA H4, after using my original NanoVNA H for the last several years. With all features of the H4 over the H model, it is like starting all over a
Від Clyde Lambert · #28401 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
Wow, touchy, ta, ta. Mike C. PS I didn't know engines had ears!!
Від Mike C. · #28397 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
In latest fw v 1.2 there is an option to Save Calibration and to Save Configuration. Moreover, the Calibration (within a frequency range) could be saved into a "Slot" (you have 7 slots for Save/Recall
Від igor-m · #28379 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
CONFIG->SAVE Save device settings from config (like touch calibration, threshold, vbat_offset, colors) CALIBRATION->SAVE X Save calibration and trace/marker settings After calibration if use DONE, dev
Від DiSlord · #28376 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
Good riddance...
Від josephlevy · #28375 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
great post
Від Martin Glazer · #28368 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
...and one wonders why a person might be removed from a FB group.
Від Larry McElhiney · #28365 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
If you want to come back where you last were, and no memory 0, on the later firmware(s) there is an advanced option "maintain state" that will cause the device to power back on exactly as it was power
Від Tim Dawson · #28363 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
Let me restate - I have been actively using nanoVNA for about two weeks - and I am a certified engineer and real engineers do not read manuals... Consequently I make mistakes , because I only read wha
Від Anne Ranch · #28362 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
It's the "etc." that troubles me. Where do we find exactly what is saved for our firmware release?
Від Rich NE1EE · #28360 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
Actually, as I understand it, the NanoVNAs evolved from a hobby to merchandise. The story is prolly on the web for you to find. More to the point, now, I suppose, is how each of us can use them effect
Від Rich NE1EE · #28359 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
SAVE also saves the enabled traces, their format and scale, etc. So you can set the frequency range, number of points, traces, markers, etc., then calibrate and save, and when you recall that slot you
Від Stan Dye · #28356 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
Anne, My knowledge and experience is limited, but SAVE 0 is loaded at power up each time. This is a good place to save the calibration data for the setup you use most often. Anything else you want to
Від Perry Westberry · #28355 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
Rich, what is really puzzling - assuming that the original intent of father of "nanpXXXX" was to make money - why is internet full of "wannabe" experts publishing and mostly copying stuff with little
Від Anne Ranch · #28352 ·
"SAVE" stores what ?
I am in complete empathy with what I understand you to write. I was disheartened that so much time has passed with these devices on the market, and so little written by those who purport to be in the
Від Rich NE1EE · #28347 ·
Quick Reference Card
When I built my 486DX2 in 92, with huge help, my guru said to get 5x7 spiral-bound recipe card set to act as notes that he'd mention, as we go. It worked great! I had the reference, and writing things
Від ... · #26866 ·