
Help me ubuntu 20.04 lts 16 повідомлення
More info: I had tried the 2 apps (nanovna-app and nanovna-saver) on Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit laptop, and neither ran. I then downloaded VNA_View-x86_64.AppImage, right clicked it, and ran it. I got the pr
Від Julie Spehar ·
Folks, while this discussion is mildy interesting it is one of those off-topic digressions that is likely to turn negative, so let's stop discussing stupidity vs. ignorance. Please! Thank you. DaveD
Від Dave Daniel ·
Combining graphs 11 повідомлення
You really need to clarify which version of saver you're using, if it is an old version, then it could be out of sync with the improved NanoVNA firmware.
Від Ho-Ro ·
V0.5.5 x86 is not 32 bit
Hi, It seems there is a problem with the x86 version of v0.5.5 https://github.com/NanoVNA-Saver/nanovna-saver/releases/download/v0.5.5/NanoVNASaver.x86.zip It has Python x64 inside which will not inst
Від pe1hwo ·
insufficient data for analysis?? 6 повідомлення
I think I got it goin now…thanks guys
Від Joe ·
#nanovna-saver "Crashes when using Multiple Segments"
My nanoVNA is a V2Plus4. Savers sees it as NanoVNA-V2, with a FW version 1.0.2 This USED to work just fine. Windows update? nanoVNA setting? Connect to nanoVNA Setup the Sweep Parameters with a single
Від ... ·
TDR NanoSaver 11 повідомлення
Sorry Kees, my mistake. It was someone else in the thread and he wrote me a reply. I got my answer. Fred wrote:
Від Fred Moore ·
#nanovna-saver Impedance value /Z/ 13 повідомлення
sir how to convert export S1p in Excel and how to convert impedance
Від ... ·
Help with Saver in Linux 2 повідомлення
I have never created or run a script before, and have only installed from the command line a handful of times, so that is the perfect level of instruction, thanks.
Від SignalScout ·
nanovna-saver issue 2 повідомлення
this post could probably help: https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/topic/89837731 best Season's Greetings! de i2NDT Claudio
Від i2NDT Claudio ·
Please just verify - nanoVNA state 27 повідомлення
"(A very small amount of reading on your part could reduce the amount of time that others take to voluntarily help you.)" ..on the other hand, repeatedly mentioning this fact could reduce the voluntee
Від ... ·
Build NanaVNA-Saver on WIndows 10
Hi, I downloaded the binaries and am running NanoVNA-Saver on Windows 10 and it works great. Many thanks to everyone who helped create this! I'd like to build the software on my Windows 10 laptop. I h
Від The Hempsteads ·
#nanovna-saver 5 повідомлення
Um sich abzumelden, klicken Sie auf den Link unten in dieser E-Mail, wo es heißt: Unsubscribe
Від ... ·
NANOVNASaver 0.5.2 / Win 10 Startup fails.
Hi, in using a nanovna H4 , WIN 10 64bit , 16G ram I could not get the program to run at all, ive downloaded the 32bit version and it runs fine, however takes a good many secs to load up.
Від Pete Harrison ·
#nanovna-saver I'm stuck 7 повідомлення
Download link in this message >> https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/message/29523 Roger
Від Roger Need ·
nanovna-saver question 17 повідомлення
This can be a problem... Some installers are less than smart, and copy all the files into a new directory each time, add that directory to the path that python searches, and then that longer path gets
Від Jim Lux ·
NanoVNA Saver 0.4.0 MacOS 2 повідомлення
Solved : just change line thickness and point size before closing window
Від alex ·
One or Two Calibrations? 30 повідомлення
Has anyone built Owen's app from source on Linux? 73 Stan KM4HQE
Від Stan Gammons ·
nanoVNA-saver: doesn't recognize device model, won't calibrate 26 повідомлення
I swear I'm not crazy, but now there is that dpinst_amd64.exe in that directory. I'm more than ready to give it a go. Terry
Від Terry Philbin ·
nanovna-saver port setup ?
I am sooo confused.... I am not sure,. but I purchased nanoVNA LONG time ago - say two years? My primary interest was in "nanovna-saver " software and after few hick-ups I got it running... Then I los
Від Anne Ranch ·