
Free For Pick Up: two med. size hanging ferns
FFPU: Two medium size hanging ferns available on the front walk of 3405 Ashley Terrace NW Rives Carroll Rives66 @ iCloud dot com
Від Rives Carroll ·
FFPU 3 magnetic student driver car stickers
Approx. 4" x 10" - lightly used Sarah Woodley Place sarahmoore.dc@... [ sarahmoore.dc @ gmail dot com]
Від Sarah Moore ·
FFPU: Kid-Sized Yard Tools
Get some help this fall and winter! Kid-sized yard and snow tools available in front of 3171 Porter St NW. - Matt 3171 Porter Mlawlor26@... [Mlawlor26 @ icloud dot com]
Від Matthew Lawlor ·
New Yorker Magazines to Give Away
I hoping someone might be interested in many copies of the New Yorker magazine. I am happy to deliver in the neighborhood. Thanks! Bonnie on Albemarle thistledownmom @ yahoo dot com
Від Heather McCabe ·
TAKEN FFPU: Booster Seats and Basketball Hoop
All taken. Matthew
Від Matthew Lawlor ·
FFPU: Booster Seats and Basketball Hoop
Kids basketball hoop with ball, and two booster seats for kids transitioning out of car seats. All available in front of 3171 Porter St NW for a limited time only! Matt Porter St Mlawlor26@...
Від Matthew Lawlor ·
FFPU credenza
Nothing fancy... Hernan habeledo@... [habeledo @ gmail dot com]
Від Hernan Abeledo ·
Free slipper chair
Hi! No room for this comfy & functional (not leather) chair. Free. Maria sacchetti.maria@... [sacchetti.maria @ gmail dot com]
Від Maria Sacchetti ·
Free aquarium snails and aquarium accessories
We have 2 freshwater aquarium snails that we would love to find a new home for. We also have a fish net, betta fish food, water conditioner, some blue/white aquarium gravel and aquarium decorations (s
Від Casey Howe ·
FFPU Exercise Bike
Rarely used Schwin AirDyne bike that's a great way to exercise both your arms and legs. It needs a new place to be something other than a clothes rack. Thanks, Tina Dove tbdove@... [tbdove @ gma
Від dove.tina ·
FREE: Bubble Wrap available
I have a collection of bubble wrap sheets available to anyone who will pick them up. They are the size that would be useful for wrapping china, not large enough for paintings. Mary Cooper macooper3313
Від Mary Cooper ·
FFPU IKEA toddler bed + mattress
IKEA “minnen” bed and mattress - expands to three sizes. More information on their website and picture is below. In several pieces and can be transported easily Thanks for your interest! Liz elizabeth
Від elizabethgimbel@... ·
Free Queen Mattress
Restonic Rice queen size mattress. Kept in zippered case for four years. Pickup between morning and early afternoon in Kalorama. -Rex trexhenry@... [trexhenry @ gmail dot com]
Від Rex Henry ·
FREE: Thick foam container & freezer packs - good for camping
Any avid campers in need a thick foam container 12x12”? With freezer packs. FREE !! Pick up near AU. Kathy kathymklein @ aol dot com
Від Kathleen Klein ·
FFPU: Spidey and Amazing Friends Birthday Decorations
Any Spidey and Friends fans out there having a party soon? I have one mylar balloon and one banner to give away. Pick up near Van Ness metro. Beth elizabeth.finan @ gmail dot com
Від Elizabeth Klimow ·
FREE pet beds, golf balls, tees, CDs, tea, bird seed, canning jars
On my porch at 3606 Ordway St: golf balls in box, bags of golf tees, 25 CDs wide mix, 5 59oz Gold Peak unsweetened tea, 3 canning jars NOT outside on my porch -- ask for pics 1 large LL Bean 43in pet
Від strongerthandirt ·
Free - various items
Brand new cookies cutters Brand new baby shower set Used but in good condition IKEA storage cloth box See picture attached. Please email me if interested - ferrari.aurora@... [ferrari.aurora @ g
Від Aurora Ferrari ·
Still Available: FREE paint supplies
Paint supplies still available - weather seal, rolls of caulking added. Mostly paint rollers, a package of coarse sandpaper, 7 brushes - 4 new. 3606 Ordway St on porch Tam trbeck@... [trbeck @ aol
Від strongerthandirt ·
FFPU: Kids Costumes 4T-12/14T 2 повідомлення
Costumes back out in front of 3171 Porter, available all day Saturday 11/9 - Matt Mlawlor26@... [Mlawlor26 @ icloud dot com]
Від Matthew Lawlor ·
Free: rocking lounge chair
Hi all, We're ready to part with this chair. If you can pick it up, it's yours for free! It's in navy blue "performance velvet" and is great shape. See photos attached and let me know if you're intere
Від Julia Strasser ·