Ferromagnetic core modeling.
You would probably find the work by Alan Payne interesting. Add "ferrite" and google
Від david vanhorn · #156894 ·
Sim files for Capacitor Pulse Charging
I re-selected the same part you used, on the output cap.
Від david vanhorn · #155642 ·
Sim files for Capacitor Pulse Charging
I just picked the same cap again. It looked like the data was damaged. K1FZY was my father
Від david vanhorn · #155637 ·
Sim files for Capacitor Pulse Charging
The output cap has some issues (other than being fantastically expensive!) I pulled down your files, re-selected the cap to the same part, and it seems fine now.
Від david vanhorn · #155633 ·
Question about a solar panel battery charger
Solar cells and batteries are relatively complicated to simulate in much detail. Batteries especially as they are chemical reactions that depend on applied voltage, current temperature, recent charge/
Від david vanhorn · #155528 ·
zener diode model acting abnormally question
It does not look like your zener is connected to the wires.
Від david vanhorn · #155413 ·
Define coupling coefficients for center tapped transformers
For those interested, google "Alan Payne Ferrite".
Від david vanhorn · #154852 ·
Define coupling coefficients for center tapped transformers
Well, in my application the antenna IS a transformer. The drive winding of a few turns couples to a resonant tank which is a very high Q circuit. (400+) The drive voltage is 2.7V, and the secondary vo
Від david vanhorn · #154850 ·
Define coupling coefficients for center tapped transformers
Ferrite rod cores for low frequency antennas.
Від david vanhorn · #154846 ·
Define coupling coefficients for center tapped transformers
For ferrites, I've often found values near 0.7 give results similar to reality. FWIW Fractional turns dont exist in real life, but that last turn is usually very poorly coupled. Think of it this way:
Від david vanhorn · #154844 ·
Bridge rectifier simulation; Shows DC waveform at Transformer Secondary.
Something else that might not be obvious: In LTSpice resistors have polarity, If you put 1V in series with 1 ohm you'll get 1A, but the sign on the current through the resistor might be inverted. Just
Від david vanhorn · #153116 ·
LTspice run slowly
One trick I've used is to create a ramdisk (yeah that's still a thing) and run LTSpice there. It helps when you have 128G installed. :) I have some sims that I use which create LARGE files, and while
Від david vanhorn · #152808 ·
I could send you a working version
Від david vanhorn · #152509 ·
I used perfect switches and pulse generators with time delay. Also good for N-Path filters.
Від david vanhorn · #152508 ·
Assistance Needed with Calculating Diode and Inductor Power Loss in DC-DC buck converter Circuit in LTspice
It's worth noting that all simulations are lies. Perfect components are the most misleading. As you add the imperfections to your model, the sims get closer to reality, but it seems like there's alway
Від david vanhorn · #152282 ·
I would be interested in seeing it
Від david vanhorn · #152256 ·
A large capacitor is not a horrible starting point. Put some impedance in series which varies according to voltage and temperature and history (not so easy..)
Від david vanhorn · #152249 ·
Simulating batteries is complex. I would recommend a read on your chemistry at Battery University online, and in the McGraw Hill Handbook of Batteries. Batteries also don't like to be accelerated. Spe
Від david vanhorn · #152248 ·
N-Path Filter
I will have to wait till I have more time, work and fam.. :)
Від david vanhorn · #149808 ·
N-Path Filter
"Are you saying this is definitely a swept-frequency spectrum analyzer? Or definitely an FFT?" Seems it does both. https://www.ntecusa.com/docs/5990-4327EN.pdf
Від david vanhorn · #149806 ·