
Diagnose unresponsive ch1 port on the nanovna 8 повідомлення
Is it possible to somehow verify that the U551 chip is the one causing problems?
Від tedvtorov@... ·
Error: "sector 0000 does not exist" in STM32CubeProgrammer 3 повідомлення
I had the same problem with tinyPFA, after downgrading to 2.15 programming worked without problem, Thanks
Від Ken Meyfroodt ·
Nanovna-H problem 16 повідомлення
Many schematics can be found on Hugen's github repo - some as *.png or *.jpg, but you should be able to convert them to *.pdf yourself: https://github.com/hugen79/NanoVNA-H/tree/master/doc HTH Martin
Від Ho-Ro ·
LiteVNA frozen screen, Smith chart
Hey folks I just received the LiteVNA from R&L. It powered up ok except for responsiveness on the screen. It set date and time and accepted calibration. Now after lunch on power up it's stuck on a Smi
Від ... ·
Issue with NanoVNA-App s1p and s2p files 3 повідомлення
Thank you DiSlord for your answer. You are right. If I change this locale setting in Win7/10, it works correctly now. I don't know why the other applications such as Saver, Partner or Sharp are not se
Від F6EGK - Jean-Roger ·
Nanovna H not read signals 6 повідомлення
Gud to hear, Junior. John VE7KKQ yahoo.com.br@groups.io> wrote:
Від John ·
#White screen
I got a brand new Nano vna h v3.4. Right out the box no cables. At all. No connectors. Nothing. No charger. I'm dealing with it right now with the seller and they want me to return it. They did it to
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NanoVNA -H4 unboxing.... 30 повідомлення
On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 10:12 AM, Jim Potter wrote: ...mine was the smaller screen version, but the AURSINC version was complete with battery and shielding. I find it convenient to use it with my lapt
Від hwalker ·
Replacing the USB-C socket with a USB cable or Type-A socket 9 повідомлення
Thanks, I am encouraged to give it a try. I already have the hot air gun and am getting fairly good with it. One day when I am feeling brave I may give it a shot. I don't have anything to lose, as I c
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