How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
The boards use three terminal ceramic filters for Bandpass. (Really only two terminal, but can be installed without regard to “polarity”. They are actually ceramic resonators and sell for about 10-15
Larry McElhiney
· #31386
NanoVNAs for Sale (3)
My apologies… Email address was absorbed by Please respond to me directly at: lmcelhiney at yahoo dot com or use the QRZ entry for AC9OX Larry AC9OX
Larry McElhiney
· #31367
NanoVNAs for Sale (3)
Hi Folks, I have 3 unused NanoVNA units for sale as I have no plan to use them. NanoVNA 2.8” NanoVNA F v2 SAA 2 N These have never been updated. Please contact me ONLY at lmcelhiney@... for furt
Larry McElhiney
· #31337
Please just verify - nanoVNA state
Hi Vaclav, Please cool your jets… Battery LED - constant light is an indication of a charged battery. It flashes when the battery is charging. During normal operation, flashing indicates low power - c
Larry McElhiney
· #30513
Hi Michael, 1) Have you previously written to that card or is it the first time. (I.e., compatibility) 2) Was the card in the slot when you powered up or did you insert it with power on? (Best to inse
Larry McElhiney
· #30361
Problem with eBay seller SV4401A: CAUTION11
Of course anyone’s experience may vary, but over a period of years I have made purchased dozens of purchases from both AliExpress and Banggood. I have never had any issues with either group. However m
Larry McElhiney
· #30347
cable extensions etc.
Hi Gary, I recently purchased 6 pairs of these: (I bought a set for each of several TinySA and NanoVNA devices.) I have us
Larry McElhiney
· #29582
TinySA Firmware Update
Hi Lyn, I just now downloaded the "429" version from and updated to a 2nd TinySA which was running "381". It works fine with the.bin file and the STM programmer.
Larry McElhiney
· #29369
This thread should be a whitepaper in downloads when closed.
Hi Folks, Every time you change any information on an existing Subject line, it becomes a new topic. (Even adding a space between words.) If you want to address the contents of an existing thread, you
Larry McElhiney
· #29326
Smith's book. free download
Hi Martin, I do not use any Malware protection on my iPads, but a search for iOS Malware should give you options. Larry AC9OX Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad
Larry McElhiney
· #29238
Smith's book. free download
For those who are most concerned about copyright, one of the links has an eBook which available at $120. Not sure whether that money goes to pay for the copy or not. I download to Files on my iPad and
Larry McElhiney
· #29235
Smith's book. free download
Free PDF download here: Just downloaded it. Larry AC9OX
Larry McElhiney
· #29179
Antennas Photos of my Curta calculator in my left hand…
Larry McElhiney
· #29064
My favorite slide rule precision story: Student doing slide rule on a timed quiz and needs to multiply 2X3. He mumbles, “Two times three is 5.999. Oh Hell, call it six!” Larry AC9OX
Larry McElhiney
· #29063
I had a college Slide Rule class after the USAF (1970). The instructor took a full-sized K&E DeciLon and pulled the slide 2/3 out. Then he flexed the two ends down so that it looked like a bow. He rel
Larry McElhiney
· #29055
Slide rules: Larry AC9OX
Larry McElhiney
· #29046
Using a nanoVNA as a passive receiver
Good Morning, Yes, the tinySA has computer control application: Larry AC9OX
Larry McElhiney
· #28640
sd card - fail write
Hi, This is a true case of one market segment impinging on another. For years,there has been a market push for faster SD cards with higher capacities for cameras or phones, for example. Many microSD/T
Larry McElhiney
· #28494
adding Bluetooth HC-06 connection to plain - H hardware
Hi Vaclav, Please type “P3 uart” into the Search box in the upper right to help to identify this board level change. Larry AC9OX
Larry McElhiney
· #28419
Off subject - nanoVNA forum no longer on Facebook
Hi Vaclav Sal, I just went to “FB Nano VBA and Tiny SA” and saw the messages that you had previously posted regarding your issues. I believe that your choice to use the alias “Anne Ranch” on various g
Larry McElhiney
· #28411
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