Possible easier menu for radio amateurs?
A developer named Reald did make a big font version with SWR display about 4 or 5 years ago and you could try that out and see if it works for you. The links are in archive posts. A simplified menu be
Від Roger Need · #38989 ·
NanoVNA APP does not have New Coax Dislord Functions
Yes it is the transmission line that has the standing waves on it. However as I stated in my previous post the transmitter power amplifier is designed for a specific load which is 50 ohms for ham tran
Від Roger Need · #38988 ·
Possible easier menu for radio amateurs?
Bottom right hand corner of menu indicates it is for Hugen’s (Zeenko) -H and -H4 with older version 1.1 firmware by DiSlord
Від Roger Need · #38982 ·
NanoVNA APP does not have New Coax Dislord Functions
Nizar, Are you trying to use 75 ohm coax with a transmitter designed for 50 ohm? If so you should be not be using the DiSlord impedance setting which changes the system impedance to 75 (or 77) ohms. Y
Від Roger Need · #38970 ·
NanoVNA APP does not have New Coax Dislord Functions
The resonant frequency of an antenna and the frequency where the SWR is the minimum are different. Resonance occurs when the reactance X = 0 at the antenna feedpoint. When you measure the SWR at the t
Від Roger Need · #38956 ·
New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
Start here >> https://nanovna.com/ You can read the Absolute Beginners Guide in the Files section of this group. Also read this group's wiki. Roger
Від Roger Need · #38924 ·
Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
JimLS, Did you get what you need from all the posts on this topic? Roger
Від Roger Need · #38906 ·
Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
You need to set your traces to read R and X. You have to go into the Display Menu and select a Trace and set it to S11. Then go back and set the Format to Resistance or Reactance. Then set the Scale t
Від Roger Need · #38883 ·
Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
In order to make a measurement of an inductor's parameters like inductance, reactance and resistance vs frequency and self-resonant frequency the easiest method is the S11 shunt method using just CH0
Від Roger Need · #38878 ·
Choke measurement
The reactance can be much less than 50 ohms and much greater than 50 ohms and you will still get good results. Here is a measurement of an inductor that measured 9.8 uH at 100 kHz. on a DE-5000 LCR me
Від Roger Need · #38695 ·
Diagnose unresponsive ch1 port on the nanovna
Erik has nothing to do with VNA products - he manufactures the tinySA... Th OP has a product which is an owocomm design.
Від Roger Need · #38652 ·
Changing size of the NanoVNA screen
You can't just swap in a larger screen because it will not be pin compatible. If you own a 2.8" you could buy a 4" model which is much easier to read. Or you can connect it to your PC using NanoVNA Sa
Від Roger Need · #38446 ·
NanoVNA-H4 turns off after one second
Take the battery out and run it on USB power. Roger
Від Roger Need · #38442 ·
parasitic capacitance tests
Carlos, I suggest you always search the archives for old posts on a subject. Often you will find the topic has been discussed before (often at great length). Here is one that will interest you. ... ht
Від Roger Need · #38384 ·
Fun with calibration
Those gold ones have horrible performance. If you cut one open you will find a leaded resistor inside with one long lead that just brushes against the connector. You will get rising resistance with fr
Від Roger Need · #38205 ·
Best Way to measure an Inductor.
You don't get any benefit doing this and you add another component that has parameters (R and X) that change with frequency and need to be subtracted from the results to get the values for the inducto
Від Roger Need · #38174 ·
The typical NanoVNA only measures the phase of the reflection coefficient (S11) which is NOT the same as impedance phase. Recent firmware from DiSlord also calculates the impedance phase angle and you
Від Roger Need · #38089 ·
Testing HT antennas
This group has been around for 5 years now and you will find lots of informative discussion on many topics in the archives which you can easily search. About 2 years ago we had a long discussion on me
Від Roger Need · #38088 ·
NanoVNA H4 SD Card Usage
Not all SD cards work with the H4 due to the way the firmware is implemented. I use a 32 GB Kingston card and it works fine. You just have to try a few brands to get one that works for you Roger
Від Roger Need · #38051 ·
Smith Chart Impedance
The distance between the center and any point on the Smith chart is the magnitude of the reflection coefficient known as Gamma. Abbreviated as |S11| or |Γ|. The angle from the horizontal line to this
Від Roger Need · #38050 ·