Help, compile error, can't use xpanel to run
No sure what your question is, but it looks like its related to VTpro, yes? Is there a Page called 'DummyFlashPage'? and if so, check to see if it is set for no compile...
Від ckangis · #255595 ·
VTPro error: "Crestron app themes not installed"
Just to add my experience... I just migrating to a new PC and had this issue as well. standard CT_Neo, missing for Crestron App. I uninstalled v2.19, installed v2.15 then v2.17 directly from their exe
Від ckangis · #255576 ·
TSW-x70 button press responsiveness
Hi All, One of my pet-peeves of the digital age (yes, there are many!) is how I see buttons on digital devices, like my iPhone, register presses indicated visually by inactive-active-inactive FB but t
Від ckangis · #255493 ·
Simpl Windows fb/press Issue
I think Brendon is indicating that there is a press held high in the program, not that the button is in an 'Active' state, though that may be also the case. The only times I've seen this is in the old
Від ckangis · #255409 ·
DM16x16 EDID with HDR
Thank you Thorsten! This is a real education for me on this particular subject (HDR, etc.). As early on in the hi-res (4K) business, nothing was reliable so I down-res'd things for client sanity and s
Від ckangis · #255396 · Змінено
DM16x16 EDID with HDR
On Sat, Nov 23, 2024 at 03:21 AM, Thorsten Köhler wrote: Which output are you using on the Altitude? If it´s an older unit, only output 2 is capable of the full range. The Altitude can be pretty picky
Від ckangis · #255392 ·
DM16x16 EDID with HDR
Hi All, Does anyone know what the secret handshake is to enable HDR within an EDID for DM chassis'??? Our setup is a Sony 715ES and a Trinnov Altitude16. Everything we do will either get Atmos and no
Від ckangis · #255389 ·
OT: Screen Innovations LinkPro Z
Hi All, Anyone have a LinkPro Z that they'd be willing to sell? Please reach out directly if so, thanks! chris at eicustom dot com
Від ckangis · #255360 ·
Yeah, historically the music streamer product category has had an issue with hardware reliability (Except KScape and Sonos). I have had pretty good luck with the MMS-1e. Also having 4 chassis' give yo
Від ckangis · #255355 ·
The 6x100 is a fine amp and MUCH Simpler to deal with vs the NAX. I would definitely use MMS units for streaming radio if it were my project. LMK if I can help...
Від ckangis · #255351 ·
What audio matrix are you currently using to distribute the existing Radio tuners? or are they just 'hard-coded' in a one-to-one relationship with the zones. If you already have some type of distribut
Від ckangis · #255346 ·
Floor Heating Tstat, Hi-Volt thats Integratable
Thanks, Jay. Agreed!! MQSACK, That's a good suggestion, however it is similar to Crestron Din unit. What I'm really looking for is an integratable Hi-Voltage wall mount TStat that can replace an exist
Від ckangis · #255343 ·
Floor Heating Tstat, Hi-Volt thats Integratable
On Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 08:57 AM, jbasen wrote: Even if the lack of margins on these devices keep them from being used on many customer projects My concern isn't margin (though we all love Crestron ma
Від ckangis · #255336 ·
Floor Heating Tstat, Hi-Volt thats Integratable
As always, Thanks to Brian and Jay... I hope that we can do some testing for a good floor heat TStat and find a decent solution for these kinds of things. Hubitat and Home Assistant increasingly seem
Від ckangis · #255319 ·
Floor Heating Tstat, Hi-Volt thats Integratable
With new construction and some retrofit, you definitely could use 'standard' TStats. But if you have existing Hi-Volt units, it can be a bear to retro an LV TStat as you need not only a 'Low-to-High v
Від ckangis · #255293 ·
Floor Heating Tstat, Hi-Volt thats Integratable
For me it doesn't matter any more. I'm done with Cloud-based, over complicated authentication products, if at all possible... Unless some client or company wants to pay me for every hour I waste being
Від ckangis · #255290 ·
#av4 #cp3 #cp4 #cp4r #mc4 #mc4-r #rmc3 #rmc4 #tst902 #tsw #tsw-1060 #tsw1070 #tsw-760
Good to know. I've had a number of TSWs from the 2019/2020 era that have needed repair, particularly ethernet issues I think...
Від ckangis · #255283 ·
Floor Heating Tstat, Hi-Volt thats Integratable
Hi All, Anyone have a solution (particularly for Retrofit) for Hi-Volt (120-240v) floor-heating TStat? I've tried the NuHeat units, but with the *Cloud-based Integration* its just not reliable, IMO. I
Від ckangis · #255282 ·
OneDrive and Crestron Software/projects
Hi Thorsten, That's great news! Just to clarify regarding closing your LT 'too fast' when on site, I assume that if you boot up your LT once you get back to your office and let it update, then your DT
Від ckangis · #255264 ·
OneDrive and Crestron Software/projects
Hi All, I'm setting up a new desktop and laptop, and am planning to reconfigure how I deal with file structure and backup. I'm leaning toward OneDrive, but know that I need to do work on files that ar
Від ckangis · #255261 ·