TAKEN: Free Moving Boxes
Boxes have been taken, thank you. Margaret
Margaret Cosentino
Free Moving Boxes
Hello, I have boxes in good condition from a recent move of a 2 BR plus den apartment, including wardrobe boxes, dish boxes, mirror/picture boxes, medium and small. They are free and available for pic
Margaret Cosentino
ISO free moving boxes & packing materials; also furniture that’s free or available at a modest price
Hello, I am moving to Michigan to a new apartment that is unfinished, and could use any type of free or low price items for moving or for setting up my new place. Boxes and packing material; more so i
Free moving boxes, packing materials and shipping boxes
We have lots of moving boxes (all sizes), packing materials (peanuts and packing paper), and shipping boxes (many sizes). Available for pick up at 2829 29th Place NW. Thanks, Kara kara @ khelander dot
Kara Helander
FREE: Moving boxes & packing material
Hi All, We just moved and have lightly used moving boxes and packaging material to give away, ideally for pickup today. We have about 25 boxes, a mixture of small- and medium-sized from Bookstore Move
Cara Chrisman
New Cardboard boxes -- Free for pickup
Various sizes of new cardboard boxes, free for pickup. Respond to me to arrange pickup. G White gmariew @ aol dot com
Gloria White
ISO moving boxes + mover recommendation
Planning a house move, and welcome used moving boxes (any size), packing materials, etc. Can pick up anywhere in Upper NW. In addition, recommendations for a reliable moving company that you have rece
Jonathan Kay
FREE: Moving boxes, packing paper & bankers boxes available for pickup
Need moving boxes &/or packing paper &/or bankers boxes? Come get it! Respond to laine.shake@... [laine.shake @ gmail dot com] Laine on Highland Place NW
Laine Shake
FREE moving boxes
FREE moving boxes new, clean, broken down - many available. Envelopes for art work. Kathy on Macomb Mcnerneykathleen@... [Mcnerneykathleen @ gmail dot com]
kathleen mcnerney
FREE: Small Moving Boxes, Cardboard Paper Rolls , Plastic Produce Containers
I have small boxes (10 - 12, smaller than 12” x 12”, perfect for corralling smaller items like office supplies and silverware in larger boxes), paper rolls (shopping bag worth of both paper towel and
Kelly H
Free moving boxes and bubble wrap
We have 5 wardrobe boxes, about 30 boxes, mostly banker and a few medium boxes, and lots of bubble wrap to give away by Sunday evening. Preference given to anyone who can take most everything. Please
TAKEN Re: FREE: moving boxes
The free moving boxes have been taken.
Gabrielle Czaja, PT
TAKEN: Free: Four Medium and Small Boxes Available
All boxes have been claimed Emma
Emma Adelman
Free: Four Medium and Small Boxes Available
I have four medium/small moving boxes available for pickup. Best, Emma adelmanep@... [adelmanep @ gmail dot com]
Emma Adelman
FREE: moving boxes
5 small-medium boxes, great for moving. Must pickup today, Sunday.
Gabrielle Czaja, PT
ISO Moving Supplies and Boxes, asap
We're on a tight schedule and would love to find some wardrobe boxes, book packs, and packing materials so we can start clearing our condo in preparation for a move. If you have any you'd like to get
Linnea Warren
FREE Book Boxes and Mirror/Photo Boxes Available Today
2 повідомлення
The mirror/photo boxes, a large dish box, and a medium box are still available for pickup. Emma adelmanep @ gmail dot com - original message - There are three book boxes (Home Depot heavy-duty small b
Emma Adelman
FOR SALE: New Unused Extra-Large Moving Boxes with Handles
Greetings neighbors, We have 30 unused moving boxes for sale: 3 packs of 10 Extra Large Moving Boxes with Handles (brand new, sealed in plastic) 10 boxes in each pack: 23"x23"x16" The price was $44 pe
Lisette van der Ster
Free: Moving boxes and packing materials
Hello, There are about a dozen moving boxes and packing material on the driveway of 2829 29th Place NW. Thanks! Kara kara @ khelander dot com
Kara Helander
ISO moving boxes
Please email rich.glick100 @ gmail.com if you have moving boxes available. Rich Glick Woodley Rd
Richard Glick
41 - 60 з 228