Member notifications for chat messages
5 повідомлення
Nina confirmed it was the documentation that was wrong and this has been updated (beta/docs #442) Regards Andy
Andy Wedge
Use of the Chad Feature
4 повідомлення
Sort of. The difference being that any group member can join a chat, so it's not really "private". Duane
enter key no longer works
4 повідомлення
According to the Members Manual, that's the way it's supposed to work, "After you join the chat, you can contribute to the chat by entering text in the text field and clicking the Send button." Duane
chat on phone
2 повідомлення
Kat -- Yep, that appears to be a bug. If you zoom out enough in landscape mode the input box will eventually appear, but you shouldn't have to do that. Report this in the beta group ( https://beta.gro
Bruce Bowman
Chat behavior
3 повідомлення
Thank you Bruce for the detailed reply. The chat feature really isn’t that important to us; I just thought I’d try it since it was there. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if it just went away.
Hal Pridgen
#chats - how do you close a chat?
2 повідомлення
Nevermind! I figured it out. There's a dropdown arrow at the bottom of the chat, where you can close it, edit it or delete it, I think.
Regan Bullers
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