nanoVNA V2 Plus 4 nightmare--avoid this Aliexpress seller
If you purchase random junk then you will of course receive random junk :-) Unfortunately NanoVNA has become a generic term, no longer identifying a particular manufacturer or product. The thing that
Від Roland Turner · #27176 ·
"Zero calibration" (or "no calibration") question
Your requirement appears to be incoherent. Initially you said: Now you're saying: The answer to your initial requirement is to perform the calibration at your device ports as usual and save it into sl
Від Roland Turner · #27081 ·
Wikipedia erases nanovna
A poorly understood fact about Wikipedia is that it has extensive quality documentation against which edits are evaluated. Yes, anyone can edit, but if an individual contribution doesn't make the grad
Від Roland Turner · #26640 ·
Metalising plastic cases (Re: [nanovna-users] JNCRadio VNA 3G - Vector Network Analyzer - 50k to 3GHz)
(apologies for the previous post; there was some fat-fingering on my part :-) ) I didn't know this, thanks. - Roland 9V1RT
Від Roland Turner · #26610 ·
Metalising plastic cases (Re: [nanovna-users] JNCRadio VNA 3G - Vector Network Analyzer - 50k to 3GHz)
Note that what was discussed in the article was a driven element of an antenna (a microwave horn), not a parasitic (like a parabolic reflector for example). The numbers that you suggest would make for
Від Roland Turner · #26609 ·
Metalising plastic cases (Re: [nanovna-users] JNCRadio VNA 3G - Vector Network Analyzer - 50k to 3GHz)
On 15/1/22 23:47, 2sheds wrote: > I like the Al case, but as somebody mentioned, it likely doesn't justify doubling the price. > When will affordable metal 3D printers be available? > I guess there ar
Від Roland Turner · #26584 ·
JNCRadio VNA 3G - Vector Network Analyzer - 50k to 3GHz
My apologies, I missed the (now glaringly obvious) markings on the case. I was referring to more modest "Guaranteed quality: CE, FCC and RoHS compliance". claim, for whatever value such a claim has. -
Від Roland Turner · #26571 ·
JNCRadio VNA 3G - Vector Network Analyzer - 50k to 3GHz
At the risk of sinking an otherwise entertaining insult, they do not in fact claim FCC approval. The lack of filings is therefore not relevant. (Their claim of compliance with FCC standards may well b
Від Roland Turner · #26563 ·
Twisted Pair Measurements with nanovna
A NanoVNA is battery-powered and typically used without a lengthy feeder. There's no important difference between balanced and unbalanced operation in this situation because there's no lengthy coax fe
Від Roland Turner · #26384 ·
Very Basic Impedance Question
(ahem) I think you mean reactance rather than resonance in these two places. - Roland
Від Roland Turner · #26258 ·
SWR measurement
That a thing is not true in general does not mean that it is never true! - Roland 9V1RT
Від Roland Turner · #26152 ·
SWR measurement
Right. Adding more wire just takes you further around the circle; if you're short of resonance then adding wire improves the situation until you're above it at which point doing so worsens it until yo
Від Roland Turner · #26151 ·
SWR measurement
This is simply not true. What you might be getting at is that antennas that are too short to resonate at the operating frequency without additional reactive loading are usually improved by lengthening
Від Roland Turner · #26141 ·
Nano VNA SMD test tweeters
Page 19 :-) - Roland 9V1RT
Від Roland Turner · #26003 ·
Do I return my H4? Hima brand
Interesting. NanoVNA firmware is heading towards being an operating system that hides the details of the underlying hardware but still delivers comparable capabilities. - Roland 9V1RT
Від Roland Turner · #25799 ·
Do I return my H4? Hima brand
Larry, Really? How do you tell? The LiteVNA wouldn't stand out amongst a collection of the various NanoVNAs. Different NanoVNAs already have different PCBs. Different NanoVNAs already have different h
Від Roland Turner · #25775 ·
Do I return my H4? Hima brand
Larry, What distinction are you making? The LiteVNA has only just appeared so information is a little scarce, but it appears to be another nanovna variant. Do you have reason to believe that it's not?
Від Roland Turner · #25772 ·
Heh, you've noticed the unfortunate fact that multiple manufacturers are using the same name for their similar products, apparently to trade on the popularity of the NanoVNA name after the originator
Від Roland Turner · #25758 ·
measuring RF currents
You're describing a passive measurement, however NanoVNAs are active devices: they emit a signal and then measure amplitude and phase change in the reflected/transmitted signal. To directly replace th
Від Roland Turner · #25547 ·
Am I missing something with this TDR setup?
Either is fine, you just need a discontinuity adequate to trigger detection. Open and short are both not merely adequate, they're the limit cases: reflect all power as-is or all power inverted respect
Від Roland Turner · #25417 ·