NanoVNA "worse clone"
Yes. I also have one of the early (Oct. 2019) cheap, unshielded clones. It has always worked fine, and I've upgraded firmware multiple times. But I bought a NanoVNA-F because the the little clone was
· #23872
NanoVNA "worse clone"
All the original Nanovna devices and the newer 'H' hardware up to rev 3.4.2 (Not the H4) use the same firmware. That means you can download and install Dislord's v1.0.69 'H' firmware on your device an
Larry Rothman
· #23871
NanoVNA "worse clone"
Larry, Thank you for the information and the links. I plan to keep my “worse clone” and see what I can find in my junk box to upgrade it. One last question for all reading this thread: Can these early
Robert Craven
· #23870
NanoVNA "worse clone"
Correct link for Documentation: Changing CH0 bridge values:
Larry Rothman
· #23865
NanoVNA "worse clone"
Hi Bob, You asked if this 'worse clone' can be updated... Yes, it can, with a little patience. Have a look at my post from 2019: I had essentially, the sa
Larry Rothman
· #23864
NanoVNA "worse clone"
Tim, Thank you for your response. I have removed the battery. I took off the back and with a jewelers loupe, looked carefully at the junction of the back of the battery and the PCB. There is a black d
Robert Craven
· #23863
NanoVNA "worse clone"
AFAIK R&L sell only the units manufactured by Hugen so you should be safe. Get the 4" version, there are other benefits besides the larger screen.> wrote:
Dragan Milivojevic
· #23862
NanoVNA "worse clone"
To ass to what others have wrote if you intend to store one of these for an extended period of time without use you should either periodically maintenance charge it or disconnect the battery. There is
Jim Shorney
· #23861
NanoVNA "worse clone"
Two things, if that were mine, I’d be wanting to remove the battery ASAP before it damages the LCD touch screen, if you look carefully you can see the display board starting to bend, as well as the ba
Tim Moore
· #23857
NanoVNA "worse clone"
Looks like you never even took the protective film off the display. 8*) I'd remove the battery before you ship it anywhere. 73, Willie N1JBJ
· #23856
NanoVNA "worse clone"
Hi Bob, If the battery has started to expand, remove the back cover of the Nano and remove and recycle it. As for the Nano, it can be powered from a 5v power bank, USB or you can install an aftermarke
Larry Rothman
· #23855
NanoVNA "worse clone"
I bought my NanoVNA back in 2019, as I recall, from Amazon for about $50.00. I am guessing this was about the time there was a proliferation of clones in the marketplace. I purchased it mainly to swee
Robert Craven
· #23854
SAA-V2 with bad SMA's from Amazon and false battery run time
Hello Chris, Yupper, I will be sending it back after Sally blows thru! I also have the 4170D which I love. Also have HP-8712ES and 8711, one can never have too many VNA's lol TNX for ur reply, 73 N8AU
· #17469
SAA-V2 with bad SMA's from Amazon and false battery run time
Hello Vidas, Monday, September 14, 2020 Exact same problem with one from a UK seller, rather than mess with it I sent it back. Ebay supplied a link to print the return label from, which I did and I po
Chris Wilson
· #17466
SAA-V2 with bad SMA's from Amazon and false battery run time
Looking at the SMS's with naked eye they appear ok. Like I stated on original post, the die goes on and off with no resistance at all. I can wiggle the die with all threads inside of die which to me s
· #17458
SAA-V2 with bad SMA's from Amazon and false battery run time
I can't imagine most sellers would want to accept a return if someone has run a die down an SMA connector! I recently had a male SMA load from Minicircuits which was out of specification - the dielect
Dr. David Kirkby, Kirkby Microwave Ltd
· #17457
SAA-V2 with bad SMA's from Amazon and false battery run time
Yeah I knew that I guess I just forgot that hugen made standard v2’s. 73, Tripp Sanders K5TRP
Tripp, WT5A
· #17456
SAA-V2 with bad SMA's from Amazon and false battery run time
I have never had such sma problems. I Resume the problem was with both connectors and you used a lead ( or a cal standard) known to be ok? I wonder if the centre recepticle has moved when the connecto
Stephen Laurence
· #17455
SAA-V2 with bad SMA's from Amazon and false battery run time
Got mine from Seesii on amazon. As advertized and no issues. Regards Colin
Colin McDonald
· #17452
SAA-V2 with bad SMA's from Amazon and false battery run time
NOW U GUYS TELL ME LOL ! I admit that I have very little patience when it comes to buying things, Wish I knew last month! I was thinking of just replacing those connectors but theirs always some fire
· #17450
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