Whither 4053_tercio.asy
"By Jove, I think he's got it!" Many thanks! John (Waugaman, that is)
John Waugaman
· #156970
Whither 4053_tercio.asy
The analog switch library "SwitchAna.Lib" makes reference to various symbols (e.g. "4053_tercio.asy") and phrases like "The model needs two params: Vcc & Vel see the circuit example..". Where might I
John Waugaman
· #156940
After all these years ...
... No one has come up with the real reason for this behavior: I run a simulation where a resistor has a value of 51.7K. The first 30% or so of the simulation completes in the blink of an eye then slo
John Waugaman
· #156780
Analog Push-On / Hold-Off switch circuit
If you are using the Infineon model for the IRLML6402 (Q1) and run the simulation at 20 volts, the circuit will switch on even with the startup option. The reason is the IRLML6402 model includes the d
John Waugaman
· #156438
Exporting data
When I run Ltsputil.exe -ca MyFile.raw MyFile.txt, I get this but no output: Ltsputil.exe: LTspiceIV/SwitcherCADIII utility version 2.95a Usage: Ltsputil.exe -command [param1] [param2] [param3] [..] .
John Waugaman
· #156433
Plotting distortion?
Assume I have an amplifier circuit with the following statements: .PARAM FM=5K; The sinewave frequency .STEP PARAM AMP 1m 5m 1m; Step the sinewave amplitude .MEAS TRAN res1 PP V(out); Measure the P-P
John Waugaman
· #150594
No MAX31740 Spice Model
Looking for an LTspice model for the MAX 31740 Ultra-Simple Fan-Speed Controller. Although AD has apparently acquired Maxim, they haven't developed a model for this device. Has any members attempted t
John Waugaman
· #147102
Phototransistor Model RESP Value Question
I've downloaded the phototransistor.zip file and I have a question on the sensitivity values in the included libraries. The explanation in the Phototransistors.asc file for the RESP parameter reads "R
John Waugaman
· #144851
74HC4046 LTspice model
OT, but in the example file MC74HC4046A_h_test_01.asc the PLL-design program pll.zip from Philips is referenced. Philips Semiconductor has since become NXP and I can't find the design program anywhere
John Waugaman
· #141169
Two different Select Component Symbol windows with the same file location?
I have added two photos to my album. The first is the requested screenshot of the directory structure below the sim folder and the second is a screen shot of the Select Component window showing the se
John Waugaman
· #139221
Two different Select Component Symbol windows with the same file location?
I have uploaded a composite screen shot in the photos section of two different Select Component Symbol windows that are sown as being at the same file location. This anomaly came about after the lates
John Waugaman
· #139212
AM Source problem - File uploaded
Thanks Andy, that solved the problem. I knew to use "params:" (with the colon), but alas, had a mental lapse! The line " B1 AMOUT GRD V={A}*(1+{M}*V(VM))*V(VC).ENDS AM_Source" is best attributed to an
John Waugaman
· #139210
AM Source problem - File uploaded
I have uploaded the zip file "AM_Source Test.zip" that contains the following files for an amplitude modulated source. This source implements the mathematical equation for amplitude modulation. The pa
John Waugaman
· #139160
Error Message: Encountered an Improper Argument.
Andy, Opening the subcircuit and symbol files (one at a time) resulted in no error messages. Strange. In answer to your second question, I've been using the same subcircuit library file name since Jan
John Waugaman
· #122995
Error Message: Encountered an Improper Argument.
I used LTspice XVII. I just encountered the same message when try to save a symbol that's to be used with the subcircuit, Both the subcircuit and the symbol were my creations. I've done the same thing
John Waugaman
· #122980
Error Message: Encountered an Improper Argument.
I've encountered the subject error when I tried to save a subcircuit model to a personal folder in C:\...\Documents\LTspiceXVII\lib\sub. The subcircuit is saved correctly, however. This is the first t
John Waugaman
· #122978
An Annoying Problem with the .MEAS Command
Oops, the line "which do equal 1.25 and 0 (near enough)." should read "which do equal 1.25 and 1 (near enough)." John
John Waugaman
· #122619
An Annoying Problem with the .MEAS Command
The file "Ckt for Problem with MEAS.asc" which I have uploaded illustrates a frustrating, although not fatal, problem with the .MEAS command. The file creates a resistance whose value is equal to the
John Waugaman
· #122618
A new model for a tapped ferrite rod antenna
I have uploaded a new model for a tapped ferrite rod antenna (Tapped_Ferrrod_Ant_V3.zip) such as is used in broadcast band receivers. Loosely based upon the air core model found here: http://play.fall
John Waugaman
· #122307
Backwards Frequency?
I have uploaded a .zip file of a simplified broadcast band tuned circuit to use as an example of the problem I'm seeing with using a series of .MEAS statements to find the peak amplitude, bandwidth, r
John Waugaman
· #122042
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