Can DM-NAX-8ZSA Player CRPC be served/emulated for a Smart Graphics Media Player Object
Turns out my NAX didn't output any data from the "Direct Connect Info Feedback". However, after performing an open port scan of the DM-NAX-8ZSA I found that TCP ports 50010-50017 appear to be Smart Gr
Від Mike F · #254945 ·
Can DM-NAX-8ZSA Player CRPC be served/emulated for a Smart Graphics Media Player Object
I think I found what I was looking for. For anyone interested the Player Transport Control object for the NAX has a "Direct Connect Info Feedback" output that displays the built-in server and port tha
Від Mike F · #254937 ·
Can DM-NAX-8ZSA Player CRPC be served/emulated for a Smart Graphics Media Player Object
It's complicated on why it has to happen this way and I'm limited to my own understanding. Here the scoop, I have taken over someone else's proprietary code that's partially built in Simpl# on a CP3 t
Від Mike F · #254926 ·
NVidia Shield control from Crestron
Has there been any updates on a Crestron SIMPL driver being developed to work with the Nvidia Shield Pro?
Від Mike F · #253337 ·