It was quite a holiday!
Thank you, Eleanor, for taking the time to share with us your 2024 Christmas events and memories of your fascinating descriptions of your childhood Yuletides. Happy New Year! Barbara Ioanes - previous
Від Barbara Ioanes · #220971 ·
Where to buy a cartridge for an HP printer?
I buy compatible ones from Amazon. They work fine. Barbara Ioanes - original message - I would most appreciate suggestions as to where in DC to buy a black ink cartridge for an HP LaserJet P1102w prin
Від Barbara Ioanes · #220517 ·
Still Life with Robin: The CP Listserv Hits the Quarter-Century Mark!
Thank you, Peggy and Bill, for all your dedicated hard work. Your Listserv is wonderful. You are the best! Barbara Ioanes Woodley Park - from original message - Happy anniversary to the Cleveland Park
Від Barbara Ioanes · #220133 ·
ISO Recommendations for Carpet Cleaner - Wool & Silk Area Rugs
I’ve used Custom Cleaners in Woodley Park at 2637 Connecticut Ave (202) 667-5988) for a small wool Oriental rug and I am very satisfied. Barbara Ioanes
Від Barbara Ioanes · #220076 ·
ISO Help with grandfather clock
Kensington Clock in nearby Kensington Maryland…they are the best. They kept my antique grandfather clock running by coming to my house. They repair clocks, watches, and replace watch batteries. They a
Від Barbara Ioanes · #219981 ·
ISO Feedback on internet providers
While I do not plan to give up Xfinity, I am appalled at its high price for TV and internet….but my DVR is filled with programs I plan to watch. But Xfinity spent much of this spring being down and un
Від Barbara Ioanes · #214256 ·
Rollator found (was: ISO Rollator to borrow)
Thanks to all who responded to my request, thru a friend, for a Rollator. A kind person is bringing me another one this morning. I no longer request another one. Barbara I. in Woodley Park -- Barbara
Від Barbara Ioanes · #214255 ·
What to do about a bumblebee nest?
Sean Kennedy is the best. He lives in Woodley Park. Sean Kennedy, Beekeeper Bee Curious LLC BeeCuriousDC@... 202-276-7326 Barbara Ioanes Woodley Park
Від Barbara Ioanes · #213548 ·
Issues with Lyft and Uber / ISO a reliable cab company for early Sunday morning pickup
I have used DC licensed Girlie Transportation for trips to doctor appointments and to National Airport. They are very reliable. I found them via this listserve years ago. They also have a package deli
Від Barbara Ioanes · #213362 ·
Xfinity outage - day 3
Xfinity claims they are improving our system…and should be finished later today. However, I’m not counting on it. We are also in the third day of outages on 2200 block of Cathedral Ave. Barbara
Від Barbara Ioanes · #212966 ·
Taxi vs. Uber from DCA/Reagan to Cleveland Park area
Red Top cab is the best from Reagan. Have her call them - 703-522-3333 - as soon as she gets her luggage. Barbara Woodley Park
Від Barbara Ioanes · #208221 ·
Has there been a change in the recipes at Vace's?
We had meat lasagna from CP Vace’s last week and it was delicious. Also had their mushroom pizza a few weeks ago and did not notice any changes. Barbara - previous message - We buy pizza regularly fro
Від Barbara Ioanes · #207692 ·
ISO advice on selling a Tiffany lamp (other than auction houses that charge commission even if item is not sold)
My friend used Weschler’s in Rockville and did very well financially. Barbara
Від Barbara Ioanes · #207626 ·
ISO recommendations for doctors
Dr. James Frank, Gastro. Very good, and highly rated. 1133 21st St, NW 202-416-2000 Barbara Woodley Park
Від Barbara Ioanes · #207042 ·
ISO Recommendations for a Cardiologist
I recommend Drs. Flyer and Bennett, in the same practice, in Chevy Chase, across from Saks. Barbara - original message - Greetings, Listserv friends: I have been a
Від Barbara Ioanes · #206929 ·
EYEGLASSES found on Cathedral Avenue
I found Prescription eyeglasses on Wednesday afternoon, February 15. They were dropped on the sidewalk in the 2200 block of Cathedral Avenue. The glasses are in black frames. Barbara Cathedral Avenue
Від Barbara Ioanes · #197974 ·
Eyeglasses found on Cathedral Avenue
Prescription black eyeglasses found at 4 pm today, February 15, on the sidewalk on the 2200 block of Cathedral Avenue. Barbara Cathedral Avenue Woodley Park bioanes @ gmail dot com
Від Barbara Ioanes · #197958 ·
For Sale: CRIB in excellent condition
The crib was used for 5 weeks by my visiting grandson. $50 includes the crib and mattress, and mattress pad and organic cotton sheet. The crib is disassembled. All hardware and instruction manual incl
Від Barbara Ioanes · #194682 ·
Stepping down on Jan. 1, 2023...
Thank you, Nancy, for your invaluable support and guidance during the past two decades. You helped us in Woodley Park countless times with many issues, but especially those regarding historic preserva
Від Barbara Ioanes · #190857 ·
I am voting for Phil Thomas
I voted for Phil Thomas for Ward 3 Council. We couldn’t have a better person to serve as our Council member. Phil knows and understands our issues and has helped us in the past. I agree with Nancy Mac
Від Barbara Ioanes · #189045 ·