Possible easier menu for radio amateurs?
I take your point, but I feel that for many purposes start and stop frequencies are all you need to change, perhaps followed by a calibration. I guess the TDR measurements (find a cable length or a fa
David J Taylor
· #38963
Is it possible to detect frequency bands with NanoVNA
A NanoVNA is the wrong device for that task. Purchasing a TinySA Ultra would be my first step: https://tinysa.org/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Buying Only use the approved suppliers listed there. Cheers, Da
David J Taylor
· #37708
NanoVNA-Saver v0.6.4
Dean, It's because any changes in the program may, by chance, create a pattern which resembles part of a known virus. That's why I recommended running the file past a couple of trusted scanners (URL i
David J Taylor
· #37432
NanoVNA-Saver v0.6.4
It's fine here, Mike, Windows-10 + Windows anti-virus. Suggest checking on Jotti or Virus Total. https://virusscan.jotti.org/ https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload 73, David GM8ARV -- SatSignal S
David J Taylor
· #37416
Lost Pieces - Brief summary of calibration steps
Sam, Yes, but you can buy a replacement set very cheaply. To a degree, the quality will be determined by how much you pay, but perhaps search Amazon for: sma calibration About US $15. 73, David GM8ARV
David J Taylor
· #37385
testing a nanovna usb c data presence?
Sorry, but that info is for the LiteVNA. Still worth the red-light check, though. David -- SatSignal Software - Quality software for you Web: https://www.satsignal.eu Email: davidtaylor@... Tw
David J Taylor
· #37272
testing a nanovna usb c data presence?
The H4 has the unfortunate habit of discharging it's battery even when not is use. Try leaving it attached to a charger (or PC port) for an extended period. Does the red charge light come on? 73, Davi
David J Taylor
· #37270
Upgrading firmware on my Nanovna H
Dave, It /might/ be exactly the same, but with the H rather than the H4 firmware. The H firmware is actually included in the NanoVNA-App. https://github.com/DiSlord/NanoVNA-App/tree/33cded170426c3c48f
David J Taylor
· #37269
NanoVna h4 newbie
I think this is where we differ. A VSWR of 3:1 will have identical S parameters whether it be in a 50- or 75-ohm system. Half the power being reflected is what matters in a system and whatever the con
David J Taylor
· #36857
NanoVna h4 newbie
Again, it's a ratio, not an impedance! David -- SatSignal Software - Quality software for you Web: https://www.satsignal.eu Email: davidtaylor@... Twitter: @gm8arv
David J Taylor
· #36855
NanoVna h4 newbie
... and if that system is 75-ohm rather than 50-ohm? The S11 is a ratio expressed as a complex number, not an impedance itself. David -- SatSignal Software - Quality software for you Web: https://www.
David J Taylor
· #36854
NanoVna h4 newbie
I don't see how S21 (for example) is an impedance. David -- SatSignal Software - Quality software for you Web: https://www.satsignal.eu Email: davidtaylor@... Twitter: @gm8arv
David J Taylor
· #36851
Frequency measure
Both, I have a similar one (but not quite identical) to that which Burt listed, and I've been pleased with mine. 73, David GM8ARV -- SatSignal Software - Quality software for you Web: https://www.sats
David J Taylor
· #36626
DiSlord releases new firmware for NanoVNA H/H4
I have installed and shown no errors with very brief testing. My hope is that any earlier errors have been fixed, but my concern is what new errors may have been introduced! You can always reprogram t
David J Taylor
· #36455
DiSlord releases new firmware for NanoVNA H/H4
Who was Maya? David -- SatSignal Software - Quality software for you Web: https://www.satsignal.eu Email: davidtaylor@... Twitter: @gm8arv
David J Taylor
· #36423
Strange Monolithic Crystal Filter Response
There are some videos - Google "nanvna crystal filters". For example these two videos use the H4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9zZRNzhsEE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVigVbwwvPQ I think there
David J Taylor
· #36326
Strange Monolithic Crystal Filter Response
Rasoul, I hear that for crystal filter measurements you may need the H4 VNA, as the other interrupt the signal making the response ambiguous. Your matching arrangement may need attention, too. Cheers,
David J Taylor
· #36316
Having a problem with SV4401A using the S21 Feature
Mike, 150 dB per division! Why not measure S21 through (with a cable connection) /after/ calibration using a range of +2..-8dB, at a scale of 1 dB/division? Any noise floor jump is likely due to harmo
David J Taylor
· #36134
Firmware version confusion
Mark, My H4 bought in January this year (2023) from an official source in the UK /does/ have an SD slot and card within. The serial number does /not/ start "AA". It cost about GBP 80+post. I have been
David J Taylor
· #34985
SD card from Zeenko any good?
I can recommend H2TestW as well: https://www.heise.de/download/product/h2testw-50539 It works in English as well as German. Cheers, David -- SatSignal Software - Quality software for you Web: https://
David J Taylor
· #34884
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