#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
Is there firmware for the NanoVNA-H that supports selecting the port impedance (as is available on the VNA-H$)?
Від John · #38797 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
Phase depends upon if the load seen is greater or less than the transmission line impedance. That will change the sign.
Від John · #38326 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
This ends my dream of a non-resonant rhombic... ...poof -- *Dave - WØLEV* -- Dave - WØLEV
Від John · #38117 ·
Calibration : Can E-Delay be saved as part of calibration?
I used an old kitchen chopping board to make a test fixture with the connectors I want to have at the measurement plane. If possible, I would like to store calibrations with the E-Delays included. Is
Від John · #37613 ·
How to Measure return loss ?
Return loss is loss going both ways. Don't divide by two.
Від John · #37570 ·
Maybe. :) Years ago Warren B. Brune, W0TTK, was in quite a debate with another famous ham. I had saved the file from ARRL's QST archive, but that PC crashed with a Windows 10 installation and my ARRL
Від John · #36550 ·
If you can, make a Norton's equivalent circuit. Basically a current source driving a short circuit. If any current can escape down the transmission line wouldn't that mean the source acts a a short ci
Від John · #36502 ·
Well, IF the source has zero Ohms impedance and the line is lossless 50 Ohm and feeding a 50 Ohm load... are you saying the power in the wave will exist forever? Or, are you saying no power leaves the
Від John · #36475 ·
I confess I have not been following all of this thread. However, please consider a transmitter with a source impedance of zero, then all the power is sent to the 50 Ohm load. Or, hook up a ThruLine ty
Від John · #36463 ·
Why do display numbers change?
Just I wild guess: What scale are you using?
Від John · #36161 ·
Question on remote use of NanoVNA
Andy, My suggestion is to Email Ward, AE6TY, and ask him how he did it. John, W0GN
Від John · #35780 ·
Question on remote use of NanoVNA
Hi Andy, Ward, AE6TY, did this and offered to help with the software he used. You can google AE6TY and SimSmith to find his web pages. John, WoGN
Від John · #35757 ·
where is the end fed natural resonance
Ray, Explore the Zep antenna used on the _Zeppelin_ [1] air ships. Or maybe the more moderern TACAMO setup for ELF. Joh, WoGN Links: ------ [1] https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=fc7c61e83823ecc2&a
Від John · #35738 ·
Adding to previous calibration??
Thanks Stan.
Від John · #34996 ·
Adding to previous calibration??
Only want to measure the loss in a length of coax. If I use the saves open-short-load calibration, can I then just do a through calibration and save that?
Від John · #34993 ·
Adding to previous calibration??
Is it possible to add to a previous calibration? For example, say I have a set of S11 calibrations, but did not preform the S12 step and only have that saved. Is there a way to skip a new set of S11 c
Від John · #34967 ·
OffTopic: [nanovna-users] Basics of a Nano VNA Part II by k3eui
Hi Barry, I see you are using a setup similar to what I use. I have an 80m dipole fed with 450 Ohm open wire line and a Johnson Match Box. The Match Box is inside a raised enclosure I built on the dec
Від John · #34942 ·
What might I be doing wrong?
One thing first, make SURE you reset the current calibration BEFORE you run calibration. When done, check your dipole, or better your dummy load, if you have one. John, W0GN
Від John · #34446 ·
NanoVNA H recurring Sweep on Smith Chart
I don't know what you mean by "the calibration marker". After you do the calibration correctly, you shouldn't be able to move the smith marker around. IF you have the 50 Ohm load on, it will stay in t
Від John · #34392 ·
NanoVNA H recurring Sweep on Smith Chart
OK. You need to select the trace that has the Smith chart. Go to TRACES. Click on the ones that are not the same color as the Smith chart. When only the Smith chart trace is selected, then try to move
Від John · #34388 ·