FFT amplitude scale
10 повідомлення
I agree entirely. Now I want to explore the results of .FOUR with the FFT values. On 2023-08-12 19:28, Andy I wrote:
John Woodgate
3d spectrum plots in time? (was: FFT in LTSpice vs. FFT in Octave)
6 повідомлення
Tony mentioned the "Waterfall plot" in relation to loudspeaker testing. I have not seen them for loudspeaker testing, but I've seen waterfall plots with many radio communications receivers, and audio
Andy I
FFT in LTSpice vs. FFT in Octave
24 повідомлення
Marius, I am still mystified why the two FFTs differ so much, but I figured out part of it. It looks as if they both took the FFT of the same quantity, even if it was the wrong thing to be looking at.
Andy I
2 повідомлення
On Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 10:00 PM, Andy I wrote: I guess this was an omission in LTspice, the fact that it works one way but not the other. I suggest you should report this error of omission to ADI so
About iFFT of FFT feature in LTspice, is it possible to inverse partial spectrum of the FFTed data ?
27 повідомлення
Hi, Vlad: Thank you, it's really helpful. Such powerful models. And, yes, my tool mentioned was using that 'Butterworth' of IIR & 'Equiripple' of FIR, such more orders and sections of '253' & '88,44'.
FFT from plot window
3 повідомлення
Thank you for the info, Andy!
Problem getting OIP3, third order intermodulation intercept point from two tone test of transistor amp.
22 повідомлення
Thank you Donald
FFT in LTspice gives RMS amplitude?
10 повідомлення
Jim wrote, "I think you mean A*sin(omega*time)" Duh! (smacks side of head) Of course! Dummy me. Brain ... not ... working. Andy
Andy I
Mac FFT displays only one waveform
5 повідомлення
I have PC version running on Mac under Parallels in Windows 10 and FFT works like it supposed to as described in your email. This is not the case on Mac. In Mac version if I want to add a waveform it
how to build a block doing dynamic FFT ?
9 повідомлення
Hi, Vlad: Thank you for your opinions, for numerical analysis, I admire Matlab is very powerful. But while talking about feedback diagram, I am not sure... Maybe there are many tools which provides 'f
6 повідомлення
You want to sweep the input voltage level and plot the THD at the output? You can't do that directly, but you can do it with your own 'add-in, which is a notch filter for 1 kHz. LTspice allows you to
John Woodgate
How to normalize any plot in one step
4 повідомлення
James, In the FFT, 0 dB corresponds to 1.414 V peak, not 1 V. Therefore you need to scale your signal to 1.414 V (1.0 V RMS). You can also scale your signals in the waveform plot window after the FFT
Andy I
why FFT not working on Mac?
54 повідомлення
Interesting. That is hidden (not visible) in my view. Arrgh. Cander: Your version is nearly 2 years old. Time for an update. This problem with the FFT was a known problem already. It was fixed in Nove
Andy I
dotmeasfreq.asc and calculation of total harmonic distortion
17 повідомлення
ak za wrote: "i did what you had say. when the diodes are there, all things are ok. but after eliminating them, in log file the below massages are written: measurement "Period" FAIL'ed measurement "Fr
Andy I
FFT Equal Spaced Samples
48 повідомлення
Vlad, I wasn't suggesting any disagreement. I merely meant to convey that I made some arbitrary choices (that may not have been optimum) because time was constrained. Your suggestion make sense. But w
Tony Casey
.four with stepped frequency voltage source and .tran
6 повідомлення
Hello MDM, I forgot to mention that you should turn off data ompression for good results and you should specify a small time step in .TRAN. .options plotwinsize=0 Helmut
Helmut Sennewald
#questions Where is FFT. FFT is not in the view menu.
2 повідомлення
How to find FFT: 1) Run a .TRAN simulation. 2) Plot a waveform. 3. Go to the plot window, then right-click > View > FFT. At this point you have a pop-up window. To start with, just accept all the defa
Andy I
#questions #FFT
11 повідомлення
Hi Helmut Sennewald Yes, that is the point that I need, finally, I can plot the curve in Matlab. Thank you so much. Thanks, everyone for your help. Thanks and, Best regards! Tin
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