It was quite a holiday!
I agree. Thanks for your Christmas chronicles. Hope you do it every year. Happy New Year! Mary Margaret Glover Park Calvert St. - previous message - Dear Eleanor, What an honor to read your Christmas
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #220993
Rock Creek Golf Course and National Links Trust
Appreciate your email, Jeff. I support your opinion 100%. 🥲. Sorry, Erin. But I don’t feel you don’t get the arc of the issue. I’ve already said what I believe is the right way to go with Rock Creek,
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #217097
Please Consider Signing Letter of Support for Rock Creek Golf Project
Dear Mr. Searby: I was able to open the link for the article link you embedded in your email from yesterday, however you must have a subscription to the Washington Post to read it. I do not subscribe
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #216677
Please Consider Signing Letter of Support for Rock Creek Golf Project
Good evening: Isn’t Rock Creek golf course one of the last natural terrain golf courses left in the states? ”Links course”. East Potomac is. Pebble Beach in California. Rock Creek is beautiful , peace
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #216656
IRS check stolen and cashed - what should I do?
Really sorry this happened. It’s so hurtful, anger producing, and it’s hard to know what options you have. I have used lawyers by contacting AARP. I am now having amazing success with two pro bono law
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #211563
Update on missing cat from yesterday (was: FOUND! Little orange cat)
Hello neighbors. The cat was found yesterday. Under a bed! He hid out for a long time then showed up. What a scare he gave us. He’s fine and I thought I had emailed everyone yesterday about the good n
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #211372
FOUND! Little orange cat (was: Missing: Little orange cat from new home: He's scared. Please help.
Cat found. In the house. Under a bed. Ha!!! Yahoo!!! Thanks everyone, Mary Margaret Glover Park Calvert St
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #211345
Missing: Little orange cat from new home: He's scared. Please help.
Missing: Little orange cat. Apparently slipped out the door unnoticed. He has a crooked tail. Skittish. Does not answer to any name. Please check your garages and under cars for scared cat. Call 202-3
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #211341
ISO assistance with passport issues (US & Irish passports)
Good morning: I am seeking an establishment that can help me with passport issues I am having. This would be for my American and Irish passport. Thanks. Mary Margaret Glover Park marym.delaney @ gmail
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #210287
ISO adoption of cats
Good evening friends and neighbors. My friend Pat, is looking to adopt two bonded senior cats. I live close to her, in Glover Park, and can personally attest to her love and amazing care for her forme
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #209969
ISO Rock Creek Park Nature Knowledge
Contact The Nature Center, which is located in Rock Creek Park. A gold mine. Good luck. Great thing you’re doing. [scroll down
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #202073
ISO Film Development
I recommend: Dodge Chrome 4885 MacArthur Blvd NW (202) 333-3270 Mary Margaret Glover Park
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #198449
ISO Drug turn-in event
Walgreens, 3301 New Mexico Avenue. They have a drug disposal bin near the pharmacy. Mary Glover Park
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #184552
ISO House Sitting Opportunity
Cheerful, responsible, mature, Irish educated college instructor, seeks housesitting position in the area. Also, former stage manager at the Kennedy Center with over 20 years in the entertainment indu
Mary Margaret Delaney
· #132093
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