More Check Washing Theft
All hands, Gerard Leval, a Washington lawyer and author, has a disturbing OpEd in today's Wall Street Journal describing how a check he mailed to DC for a tax payment was stolen and cashed by a thief.
Від John N Maclean · #220984 ·
Found: Rosedale Dog Tag
Found on Idaho Avenue near Porter Street: a small medallion marked 215 and "Rosedale," presumably for dog walking at Rosedale. Let me know if it's yours and we'll arrange to get it back to you. Contac
Від John N Maclean · #219497 ·
Verizon problem - cell service
My Verizon based mobile phone isn't working this AM -- texts don't come through, calls don't come in or out. Verizon is a pain in the you-know-what to try to deal with on even a simple issue like this
Від John N Maclean · #215828 ·
TAKEN: Free Muriatic Acid for Pools, Concrete
The muriatic acid has been claimed. Thank you, Cleveland Park list serve; you are an incredible resource. John N. Maclean
Від John N Maclean · #213970 ·
Free Muriatic Acid for Pools, Concrete
All hands, Offering free two full gallons and one partially full gallon of muriatic acid left over from a construction job. It is used as a swimming pool chemical or concrete cleanser. On a box with a
Від John N Maclean · #213961 ·
Man Down on Porter St
We just drove up Porter Street from Rock Creek Park and saw a collection of emergency vehicles at the last big apartment house on the north side of the street before the park. There was an elderly whi
Від John N Maclean · #212743 ·
ISO update on effort to change jury duty rule for those 70+ in DC Superior Court to conform to rule in federal court
Andrew and Richard, The DC court sent me an email over the weekend saying my services were not needed. It landed in my junk queue and I did not see it until after I reported for duty and was told the
Від John N Maclean · #211960 ·
ISO update on effort to change jury duty rule for those 70+ in DC Superior Court to conform to rule in federal court
What seems to have been lost here is my original point: the people who run the DC jury service did not want me in the jury pool. I yield to no one in supporting the jury system, have served many times
Від John N Maclean · #211927 ·
ISO update on effort to change jury duty rule for those 70+ in DC Superior Court to conform to rule in federal court
Terri. Good on you. I shudda done it, too. They ought to make it official: no jury duty required after age 70. We could do it, but if I were a prosecutor or defense lawyer I would welcome the cutoff.
Від John N Maclean · #211918 ·
ISO update on effort to change jury duty rule for those 70+ in DC Superior Court to conform to rule in federal court
I was summoned to appear this morning for jury duty although I’m 80 years old. I waited in the very long line to register as a juror in the Moultrie Courthouse, but when I finally handed over my summo
Від John N Maclean · #211902 ·
Police on Ordway this morning
I drove past while the police vehicles were there and noted on the sidewalk along the west side of 36th street, which the police were congregated, a large black filled garbage bag and a pair of crutch
Від John N Maclean · #207830 ·
Car windows smashed on 36th St b/w Macomb and Newark
Can the many victims of the car break-ins form themselves into a group of some kind and get these new ANC reps into action to press the police to become more aggressive, or take some similar action? A
Від John N Maclean · #199307 ·
Why should there be a $400 rebate on purchase of e-bike?
Congratulations to Steph Gerard, who has grasped an essential in the bike rebate debate by asking why, when sensible alternatives are available, we are asked to pay for and manage "a complicated subsi
Від John N Maclean · #197052 ·
ISO mechanic
I've been using Abed for years, from the time he worked at the Exxon station, and he has kept my 2000 Jeep Cherokee running in good order -- there's 220,000 miles on the odometer. He's also become a v
Від John N Maclean · #193358 ·
Congratulations to the Police
Great bust. I hope the Northwest Current goes to work and gives us a detailed account of the arrests; as a former police reporter, back in the day, the bare-bones report made me hunger for more. But i
Від John N Maclean · #128839 ·
Potential pool site for Ward 3
The only credible reason for the Hearst pool project is that DC budgeted money for it. If there ever was a project that should be killed, this one ranks high on the list. The neighborhood doesn’t want
Від John N Maclean · #128661 ·
Three car break-ins on 39th St north of Mass
My Jeep Cherokee was broken into probably in the early morning hours Sunday, the glove and arm rest compartments tossed, and an aging but serviceable digital camera stolen. I went over to the Second D
Від John N Maclean · #112995 ·
Where to exchange SodaStream carbonators?
Johnson’s Nursery also will exchange SodaStream containers. John ---- Editor's note: Here is the address and phone number for the Johnson's in Tenleytown: Johnson's Florist & Garden Center 4200 Wiscon
Від John N Maclean · #111407 ·
Car broken into 3/2 on 30th St. between Ordway and Porter
As I was coming back from lunch at Cactus Cantina on Wednesday I saw two men on cell phones standing next to a Nissan Pathfinder on 36th street between Newark and Macomb. The left rear window of the v
Від John N Maclean · #110592 ·
Is there a way to show support for Lavandou?
I don't suppose there's a chance we could start a support group for Lavandou Restaurant in hopes of convincing whoever buys the building where the restaurant has been to give Florence Devilliers a new
Від John N Maclean · #91137 ·